We’ve been contemplating wedding plans after the 1st year being together. Didn’t have a specific date but knew it would be some time next year. It’s only until end of last year when our family being hit by the shocking news of my daddy’s illness…
My honey has been very supportive & my only source of solace. During the initial stage when very often I would just break down & cry, he’d always hug me tightly… reassuring me that he’d hold my hands & go through it all with me. And true enough, never once did he show any slight reluctance with the added responsibilities & took care of my parents together with me....
So when he brought up the topic again one day, I was rather ready to explore it further with him.
Truly I was (still am) very touched by what he's been doing for me.... When I was suffering from hallux valgus & my feet getting more & more painful each day, he encouraged me to go for surgery. Knowing my fear & procrastination because of the inability to walk for weeks, he promised to take good care of me during my recuperation. And he really kept his promise & I should say, far beyond it. I had 2 surgeries over a period of 2½ months. Each time I was in cast for more than 1 week. Daytime my parents would cook for me & he’d be back right after work to take care of all my needs. Everyday without fail he’d get everything ready for my shower/dinner, wrap my cast with extra care to waterproof it during shower, massage my feet, carry me to the toilet & around the house (also a few times when we came back from the doctor & I didn’t have the stamina to continue with my clutches)… so I’d literally just sit there waiting to be served with anything I need. When my 2-week medical leave was over & I needed to go back to work, he slowly walked with me throughout the whole journey & sent me to the doorstep of my office & thereafter off to his. You can’t imagine how slow I walked... Even feeble old folks could overtake us! All these happened not only once… but twice & for each I took more than a month to recover. My colleagues were so impressed with his love for me & told me they could tell he really really dotes on me. I guess that was also the time my parents were totally convinced that he could take good care of me.
Before we knew of my dad’s health condition, he ever said he preferred that we stay on our own & wouldn't mind if my parents were to drop by for a couple of months. But when we were faced with taking care of my parents & related problems, he told me he wouldn’t mind having my parents living with us now that they’d sort of lived under 1 roof while taking care of me. He explained not that he prefers to do so but because he loves me & I love my parents, so he’d love them & take care of them too. I was beyond words…
What’s more can I demand from a man who adores & pampers me to this extent & is willing to go through everything with me, not only taking care of me but also my parents. He gives me the courage to fight on & it's the 1st time in my life that I feel so loved. I really can't imagine how life would be without him... having to face so much problems alone, or with some1 who's too self-centred to bear the burden with me.
Thus I was so won over by his love & we both agreed to get wed towards end of this year. Another main reason: I wanted my daddy to be around, to walk me down the aisle & to see that I’m happily married to a wonderful man.