Like any other Sat, was at The Bar tending to customers (me a small shareholder). He came rather late with few buddies & had a bottle. Most of his time there was spent talking to me.. even when I was closing the accounts at the counter he sat there & continued talking! Was indeed a lil reserved about this seemed-to-be-overfriendly guy. Ha! (Only much later that I was told he actually visited The Bar before but I did not notice at all as he came in a big group) Wat I remembered most out of our conversations tat nite: He was telling me about his last relationship which ended 3 months ago & how his ex-gf of 5 yrs cheated on him within half a yr she went study overseas... i felt sorry for him but at the same time surprised that he didnt look sad at all, as if he's telling me someone else's story!
And guess what at the end of the day? He got saboed by his friends for 'deserting' them the whole night. Without knowing he downed a glass of potently mixed liquor & was totally gone. I in return told his friends to get him out of my place before he threw up! Haha!
Following that, he came down every weekend after he booked out... & gave some excuses to have my hp no. afterwhich started his chain-sms tactic :)
Well... at first i would say being with him (let alone spending the rest of my life with him) was the last thing on my mind! Alrite...! his gd looks did stand out among his friends & it gave my heart a slight lift the first time I saw him... but the moment I knew he's younger, all the sparks & little butterflies dancing in me were extinguished in an instant..
However slowly I got warmed up to him & I started to feel uncomfortable whenever his sms came in later than usual (what a strategist huh!). His caring self made me feel, from the initial uneasiness to, really pampered & protected. In the midst I was struggling... having come out from a broken relationship I had doubts about him in taking care of me, about any future betw us...... it's like "oh no.. not another 1".... the older 1 had proven himself to be so childish & a total dreamer, needless to talk about this younger 1! But he made me realised I was wrong about him4444he calmed me when I freaked out, reasoned out with me when I was confused, made me smile again when I was sad & of coz shared my joy when I was happy! Was also impressed by his personality & mentality..... tell me, whom do you know had completed his part-time degree course while serving national service? Who would wait for you for more than 2 hrs without complaint? (& he is still the same now, after 2 yrs!) If you really have a such a friend & he is still single, WAT R U WAITIN 4?!?! Go get him! ;)
So! After half a year we finally got together.......