Last Sat, went to get the ribbon for our RC invites. This shop @ Arab Street, recommended by American Wedding Treasures (RC's supplier), sells all kinds of ribbon & my honey was so fascinated by the varieties available… Hee… The 1 we bought is supposed to be 1 of their latest arrivals, it looks so pleasantly different & comes with several other lovely colours as well.
We’ve just decided on the colour which is a far cry from the 1 @ RC. 
Colour theme of the night 444444444
This theme’s hot & “party-ful” whereas at RC, the ambience will be royal, elegant yet unusual. Will be getting some ribbons for the WB this Sat from the same ribbon shop. Actually we don’t need a lot.
Have not been able to make up our mind on doing a poolside or indoor. Then Vince brought up with a brilliant point that didn’t occur to me at all. He suggested having it @ the top of 1 of the 2 multi-story carparks whereby there’s this lush area in the middle, being surrounded by a big reflective pool. Deck chairs fill up half of the space plus a few over-sized resort umbrellas… projecting a very garden feel! There are 2 BBQ pits there, so if we book 1 & rope in help from 1 of our neighbours, it’ll be an excellent, exclusive place for our event (if the weather permits)... So we'll call it: WEDDING BASH @ THE ROOFTOP ? Yeah!Intend to put candles (tea lights) on the reflective pool / the cocktail tables / some of the brims … In general, will go simple with the décor & it should be quite nice though. Oh, not forgetting another important component 4 our portable CD-player for some jazzy nos & lovey-dovey oldies… Oooh… In the midst of some trials & errors... Tried tying ribbon onto the glass (for tea lights) but very difficult as the glasses are in a somewhat cone shape. Cracking my poor brain for a solution as I die-die also wanna get those pretty ribbons this Sat! Thinking of a way to make the tea lights float on the pool too.
Hey sisterz… if u’v got any constructive, simple, cheap suggestion, do lemme know ok? Thank u in advance huh…
In any case if we can’t have it outdoor, the contingency plan of course is to adjourn to our home. Not much of a problem as we can still use the same stuff… & I totally don't mind at all as it’s gonna have a restaurant/pub-like ambience!
A 15-member team will accompany me to “marry into” the Soh family on that day, very early in the morning. All of them, including those who are helping out, either are our friends (the “bros” & “sis”), relatives or family members (bridal car owner+driver, photographer & videographer).
Vince’s entourage consists of 4 pax (or 6 inclusive of the gfs whom 2 of them bring along) – 1 from his sec sch, 2 from NS days & his younger brother.
Well, the interesting part about my entourage is that it’s formed by 1 lady from each of the group of close friends I made @ different phases of my life – pri sch, sec sch, pre-u, church & cousin… ie. they’ve never met 1 another before. Rather interesting huh? Didn’t plan it this way, it’s pure coincidence that only 1 in each of these bunches is still enjoying celibacy.. hee…
Anyway, most of them said it’ll be better like this… being fairer as there’ll not be uneven clustering & no1 would feel left out (or maybe all will feel left out instead?!! Ha!).
Thought of organizing a gathering before our wedding so they can meet at least once including those guys from Vince’s… but based on their busy schedules, there bound to be some1 who can’t make it. We’ll see how…During the last meet-up with Mel & TM, they were very keen to have a pre-wedding clubbing session. Will discuss with my dear fiancé 1st & see what comes out of it!
Have drawn up next month’s calendar. As expected, half of the October evenings after work are already occupied with different matters. The rest of the blank squares are going fast too… especially after another discussion with the bridal shop last evening (visited them about the bridal car décor). Looks like we’ll have more frequent trips to BS from now on4 to look at pix b4 the final go / choose tea dress / final fitting / collect albums… & of course to collect gown 3 days before & hand bouquet / bridal car décor the evening before.
These 2 weeks are mainly on invites… Gotta settle for the 2 events. For the Wedding Bash, the emphasis is simple & chic with a touch of nostalgia – it’ll be in the form of a postcard with our pic in b/w on 1 side & the reverse for text, address & stamp. We’ll be having “My Stamp”, with compliments from Vince’s company4 it’s our very own stamps with our pic on it… have yet to decide on which foto to put as we may want to ask from our BS for 1 of those we selected for the albums.
So we think it’s quite a good idea to have it in postcard so the recipients can just keep the card which has our pix on both the card & the stamp.
Guess it’ll turn out to be like a boutique’s or perfume’s flier… haha… but this is the result we hope to achieve!
As for RC’s, just visited their printer @ Palais Renaissance last Sat. Selected the design & now waiting for the lady to check on their stock. Hopefully there is, otherwise it’ll take them 3 weeks to bring in from the US… for such a small quantity like ours, it’s really not worth the 3-wk wait. Will be getting our own ribbons as we fancy a particular colour (our themed colour) but can only visit the store this Sat as they open till 6 on weekdays.
Went on a double date on Wed evening. Was a fun night…. Had dinner @ Brewerkz, drinks @ Attica II & One Night Stand.
The big accomplishment for the nite was throwing the whole list of our Wedding schedule & program to Mel, one of my sec sch buddies, who’s our emcee & also 1 of the sisters in my entourage. Since she said she’d never been an emcee before, I’ve already done my best in putting as much details as possible for her so that she’ll know when to appear & when not to. You should have taken a look at her… she seemed so stressed out & kept complaining that we’d given her a tough task. Anyway I’ve absolute confidence in her… what’s this to someone who had been interviewed by Channel News Asia before & also made countless presentations to the big boys out there? Ha!
The joke of the night: she made fun of me by saying I had to go on diet in order to fit into my gown & I retaliated by saying likewise for her too so as not to make the 1 foot high platform collapse. Hahaha!
But my honey better be careful… think she’s rather determined to take the opportunity to sabo us… hmmm… should we regret now?!
Actually our main intention for this meet-up was to intro another of my good friend to her. Gotta know TM 2 years ago through 1 of the cocktail functions I attended for work, thereafter we became great pals. Vince & I thought they could be just right for each other – the guy’s the VP of a GLC & she’s a GM in an MNC media company. Both are young & capable. At the end of the night, TM paid for the dinner (we asked to pay for ourselves & he only had to pay for Mel’s but he rejected) & in return Mel paid for the drinks as a gesture of appreciation. So my fiancé & I benefited! Hee! But we’ve decided to give Mel a treat after our wedding to thank her for the help. Will invite TM too for being such a dear friend.
After observing the whole night, we both thought they hit it off quite well but how come there’s no exchange of hp nos...
Instead I was being bombarded with questions from Mel… like, why didn’t I keep him for myself? Doesn’t he has any gf with his caliber… etc…
Well it’s a fact that Vince & I had just started (for less than a week) when I met him. He did express his liking a few times & all those around me who also knew him encouraged me to give him a chance. BUT the most important point - there's no 'chemistry' when being with him, unlike the kind of attraction, sparks & bond etc etc I felt with my then boyfriend, now fiancé. I see the great potential in Vince, give him the same no. of years in career as TM (he’s a few years older than me) & I’m sure my honey will be somewhere in the hierarchy too! But that’s not the most important, guess I’d followed my heart instead of my mind, even though I used to tell myself after the last r/s that I’ll find someone rich so that I wouldn’t have to worry about $$.
2 years later, I’m still totally happy with my decision! No regrets at all & we see our financial situation getting better & better. Now we’re counting down to our wedding & getting the keys to our home sweet home… And eventually Vince & TM have also become friends!
Hello sisters! Our da-jie said: why can only see either your face or Vincent's face? Dun have both 1 meh? Haha. Told you galz already.. what you've seen were just 2 of those that we've rejected... ie. with defects. Hey, not ez for us to even get these ok. Gotta "beg" the guy to spare us. He said 2... we bargained & made it 3. I can't "deh" him leh... he's more feminine than me! His upper torso shook so vigorously while he said: ok lah ok lah, can only give 1 more huh. Hmmm... maybe should ask Vince to ask him? Hehehee....So please wait for the good ones which will be out 1 wk+ before our AD.
This morning Vince attended a meeting with their Group CEO which was organised for the whole department. Right after that my fiancé told me in an sms what happened 44 Apparently the meeting’s prelude was our very own proposal video clip. It started when his Group CEO noticed Vince as an unfamiliar face & they got into some casual chats before the meeting. Upon knowing our upcoming wedding, his VP mentioned to Mr CEO about how innovative my honey was in his proposal & then in an impromptu act played the video for every1’s viewing. Their “new motto” – SP not only delivers mails but also delivers love. So now, we’re real famous! Ha!
But the good news in his sms was the report of individual’s sales figures. My fiancé came in 2nd… WoOow! That’s a big encouragement for some1 who’s relatively new! Keep it up ok, honey! Mr CEO even joked that now Vince had a bit more to save up for the wedding… hehe….
Well, I’m glad he has left an impression to those on top!
Being in an area where the rain loves, I’m contemplating our 2nd option – to have it at home. We need not worry about the weather, no sweat & sound system avails conveniently. The cons – (i) having to clean up our place after that, (ii) my dream of having a poolside will not be fulfilled, again. Hmmm....
But think I’m a genius (ha! Just joking lah)… quite sure our event will be quite a special 1 be it in or outdoor.. It sounded so unique that at first even my fiancé took a bit of time to digest… hehe! But he understood where I came from & totally agreed with me eventually.
For this we’re to strictly stick to the budget. I'm rather confident we'll be able to work within that figure yet still can have a real simple, nice & romantic 1.
Oh yes, seen the fotos last Fri... very nice! Eventually we decided on an upgrade of $1.8k, in both quantity & quality... wow... $$ again...! But we think is still alright, as long as the pix are nice. So we’ll be having 1 big album + a small 1... altogether 50+ poses. Tatz not too bad rite? Has another round of selecting this weekend.
Can’t wait to see the finished products... really love what we saw... hee...
Had a very interesting weekend! Saturday. Combed the neighbourhood of our soon-2b new home with my beloved fiancé & tried gaging the distances between the station to market/hawker centre (Chong Pang) & from there to our place. So happy to find that actually we’ll not be too far from the market & all, about 10-15 mins walk. Though directly from home to station would be a bit too far to walk. Well at least now we know the area better. Had jap food @ Heeren for dinner. Before that we went to my skin doc @ Forum to get some products & also bought 2 eye products from Chanel. My make-up artist said my eyes’ dark-circle quite serious but I don’t wish to put too thick foundation on actual day, tatz why trying my best to treat them… Hai… been spending so much $$ on my face…! So thankful I've a very understanding hubby-2b who really dotes on me!
After dinner, went Ikea & we always enjoy browsing there. Got the candles for our Bash… very nice colours! Hee!
Sunday. Had my gf over. She's my buddy during pri sch days & though in-between we lost touch for more than 10 yrs... we can still click so well when reunited. We actually planned for this meet-up few weeks ago for a good tanning, swimming & catching up time. However the weather again played tricks on me. Rained for (literally!) the whole day. Hng! Choa Chu Kang area is always so kiasu, whichever part of Singapore rains it’ll definitely join in too! So we just lazed in the bedrm & had a very nice, long chat. PY will be our Reception Co-ordinator & I briefed her on the program & a whole list of things that we need her to oversee for us. Basically it’s everything before & during the reception. Oopz… She’s a real sweet gal… besides sharing our joy, gotta thank her for helping out so much.
The latest update to our work team of the Day is my dear san-mei, Ms Sara Chan, will be our Music Co-ordinator! Yeah! Guess no1 else can do a better job than her as she’s very familiar with different kinda music. During the conversation she told me she’s got herself a new camera because of my Wedding. Wow…!
Also talked about Gin’s gynae said she’d most likely give birth in Oct… Prep Sara on the high possibility of being there without our sisters. Told her “rain or shine hor” & her reply was “of course”! So touched… hee… Her only worry was getting lost in the very early morning (6am!) on that day but solved hers by suggesting that she sleep over the previous nite. That’ll be really nice…
Yeah! It’s Friday again! Bz bz week indeed. Didn’t get to reach home before 9.30pm every nite… SO HOW TO zZZZz EARLY!? Went to the lawyer’s on Mon evening to settle the bank loan, had dinner with Vince’s parents on Tue, Wed @ Ritz… thought last evening we could finally get home earlier but after browsing some stuff for the Bash & having dinner, we reached home 9.30pm. Hmmmm . . . . . .
Tonite’s gonna be worse. We’re selecting our fotos at the bridal shop tis evening, thereafter joining Vince’s colleagues for a ktv session, till 2am.
Supposed to go JB tomorrow early morning for my monthly mani& pedi, but guess we’ll postpone once again as prefer to have more sleep. And we’ll be celebrating our anniversary tomorrow!
Last evening’s meeting with the Wedding Consultants (1 he & 1 she) was good… in fact much better than we expected… & they were being very professional. Even the guy, who joined the hotel for 2 months & whom we met for the 1st time, seemed well-versed. (out of curiosity, asked about his background & was told b4 this he’s with Raffles Hotel… so should be of some standard bah)
They were a lil amused that I actually wrote all questions on a small piece of paper. Of course, 10 over points to be clarified & addressed ok… don’t wanna miss out any item & gotta waste time in playing emails ping-pong.
They came up with a floor plan and proposed the whole layout. Pleasantly surprised by some details they paid attention to... had briefly mentioned to the lady during our 1st meet-up more than 2 months ago & we had actually forgotten about it. Had also chosen the colour for tablecloth & chair sash. Wanted to inform them we’ll have to check into the Bridal Suite early, around 9.30am but they had already originally prepared for our arrival at 9.00am!
Almost all done… the only thing pending now: Will be adding some more items to the existing menu, so waiting for their quotation. And besides making another downpayment when nearing the big day, will place order for their white & red wine a week before too.
Guess there’re many last-minute workers around as they were quite surprised that we’ve already settled almost everything including the whole program, the music part, helpers, etc …
The reason is – we can’t wait! Thus got everything done within 3 months. Hehee…So 4 Ritz ....