Let me introduce to you a new addition in our family since last Saturday night - our lil Tubby boy!
Tubby, a 3-month old American Shorthair, is a gift from my beloved honey... hee! From some of my friends' reaction, I think they are wondering why we spent so much on a kitten while we can always pick 1 on the street. Honestly before Sat night, it didn't occur to me too that we'd pay so much for a cat... never thought we'd get a pedigree kitty. So I can totally understand what my friends are thinking. But hey he's a good breed leh...
Not many pet shops sell cats. Was at another shop prior to our purchase & we saw some of the same breed but bigger. Very very cute! However their prices were even much more than what we paid.
When we 1st saw him in the pet shop, we're totally charmed by him. He's so playful, running around in the cage & the next second, pounced on 1 of his fellow kitties, an all-white Ragdoll, & started to help it lick its fur. He's very helpful ya? However when the salesgirl passed lil Tubby to me, he got real frightened & kept shivering.
The night we reached home, he's still seemed very stressed out & scared. He almost meowed for the whole night. Early next morning, we're awaken by his yelling & thus let him out for a while. He's so curious about everything in the house, happily exploring, running... no, not running but dashing in & out between the kitchen & living room, jam-braking when we got in his way, definitely having lotsa fun! But he'd a funny nasal sound which made us worried & were told by the vet that he's having a flu. Poor boy... maybe because we placed his cage in the backyard just below a window & there's no glass panel to the window... just the grill. Moreover our place can be very windy at night. According to the vet, he's so used to indoor environment & also due to stress. But later we observed... his persistant meowing was not so much about stress but more like he wanted to come out & play. He climbed up & down the cage, stretching out his limbs in-between the grills as if calling for help... trying to squeeze his cute face out of the cage.... But cannot... vet said strictly no running around for at least 1 week because of his flu.
Can't really see clearly from this pic as he's really active & most of the pix I'd taken were a blur. These 2 are the better ones. Only took with my mobile phone's camera as I dare not use flashlight yet. Will take more of him when he's more settled! Hehe...
He'd been meowing continuously for 2 days... it's quite a handful especially at night when he sounded extremely loud & sharp. Yesterday when I called mum from work, she said 2 neighbours started complaining to each other about the noise. During our conversation, I could still hear Tubby boy's piercing meow in the background! Oooopz....
Last night we moved him to the backyard's bomb shelter hoping to reduce the noise level but worried that he'd get even more upset for being trapped in a even smaller area. To our surprise, he's tamed the instant we put him inside though occasionally he'd still try to gain our attention when he heard us, but much less aggressive.
I can imagine if daddy still around, he'd definitely have lotsa fun by playing with him. We're a family of cat lovers & when we're very young, we ever had a few cats on a part-time basis (part-time = not domesticated & never bring them to the vet). Daddy always managed to amuse the cats, including those stray ones, with his self-made toys. But then, if daddy's still around, we'll not be able to keep a pet.