LNY celebration started a week earlier, on 6 Feb, when we had reunion dinner @ Kitchener Road's Pu Tien Restaurant with hubby's family & his paternal relatives. A total of 4 tables . It's a joyous affair... 喜气洋洋!:) After dinner, Con & boyfriend, June & family & the both of us adjourned to Canelé in Shaw Center for drinks/cakes & the post-dinner session only ended past 1am. Woopz... It'd been a long Sat for us both.. Went for my gel-nail appointment in FEP @ 11am while hubby's working.
Had no intention to do gel nails tis year till all my nails became brittle due to the frequent contact with water (cleaning our new place) & the last day for doing gel nails was actually that Sat as the following week they'd only do classic mani/pedi.The Thurs before CNY was a shopping day slotted last minute. Long story: I'd bought a very nice black-laced Cheongsam which I've been trying to find for a few years. The type of design & color I wanted exactly & much to my delight, it's not ex, @ $60 only. Then my dear hubby washed it, together with all other new clothes, with the washing machine. So you know the consequence even before I say it... my lovely fitting Cheongsam had become a fishtail Cheongsam. :_(
Hubby felt so bad that he's willing to get me another dress at all costs. But it's just 3 days before CNY....... So at the end of that day, I got a striking blue dress (the only piece I'd my eyes on after shopping for hours & it's cheap!) + a short skirt from FEP + a pair of jeans from Bershka. A fruitful shopping trip indeed ;)
Nobody seemed to be working on Fri (the day before CNY Eve).. Hee... Square 2 was crowded with last minute shoppers. We're in a festive mood too! In the evening, after hubby finished work, we rushed to sis' place for our Reunion Dinner. Sis prepped some sumptuous & traditional CNY food that filled the whole table....
On CNY Eve, hubby wasn't working so we could wrap up those household chores that we would only do on the eve every year - changing bedsheets & washing toilets. We thought this year would be much lax as all cleaning & packing were already done when we moved in but turned out that the nitty-gritty took almost half of the day to finish. In the evening, back to inlaws' for reunion dinner (steamboat) :) We left for home before 11pm & we only slept @4am! It's all because of ME. Hubby took care of the outstanding chores for the night like ironing our clothes, preparing the ang paos & getting ready CNY goodies while all I did was doing a bit of alteration to the dress I was gonna wear the next day & DIYing my pedicure. I took more than 2 hours just painting my toe nails as (I don't know why!) I kept messing them so had to remove & paint again, remove & paint again, remove & paint again! Grrr! Think I'll have my toe nails done by experts next year as my back & our time certainly worth more...
大年初一. We reached AMK slightly before 1pm... we're getting later & later.. oops. Had lunch & the usual photo taking session, bantering with siblings, mingling with the aunts/uncles, idling around.. hehe.

Taking "refuge" in the coolest & quietest place in the house --> MIL's bedroom:P
Some serious business going on before the family pic ...

We left about 4pm & went to Daddy's. Then got home for a rest & had dinner at home (mum cooked porridge... something light amidst the feasting) before meeting everyone again @8pm for movie (大兵小将) in AMK Hub. This year, lil Rylie joined us & he's such a good boy in the cinema:) After movie, FIL & MIL left & the rest of us went to Upper Thomson's Hans for supper.
大年初二. We enjoyed a slightly extended slumber & woke up just in time for lunch (开年饭). Mum cooked shark's fin.. Yummy!

Soon after lunch, PY & Brian came. Much time was spent on 'touring' our place & both parties shared experience in the making of our home sweet home. Glad they liked ours;) Also finally managed to see their wedding pix after more than half a year!

After they left, took some pix with sis & niece...
Amusing ourselves in our Walk-in Wardrobe:)

A nice one (纱龙照? haha!).. that's because we've a nice walk-in :P:P
Before aunt & family & sis left, I needed to excuse myself to get ready as we're going to meet June & family, Con & Ivan. A busy day indeed, with a chain of activities...
Before leaving home;)
We all met in McDonald's at Marina Sq for dinner then to River Hongbao. Know what? This is the very first time both hubby & I went for such carnival.. Hee... This year we wouldn't have gone as well if June didn't suggest it.
Prints, prints & more prints.. besides having a floral background, ha!

Spent about 1.5hour there & then to Evans Road's Mr Prata (24hours)... nice;) Again, we only headed home past 1am.
大年初三. The annual lunch @ 5th aunt's. She has also shifted about the same time... even later than us, just 1 week before CNY! And nearer.. only 1 train station away, in Yishun. Mum must be happy:)

After the 2nd stop @ another aunt's place, hubby & I returned home as inlaws & family would be visiting us in the evening. Con & Ivan tapao-ed dinner from Bedok hawker centre for all of us... it's a nice & casual dinner:) And our walk-in wardrobe has been a phototaking spot for our visitors;)
Look... someone's more than a Couch Potato! Haha!
The night ended early @ 9pm as the following day was a working day. So soon, the CNY holidays ended.
@ June's on Sunday (年初八). Nice pic they have from Cambodia.

Lo Hei @ sis' on 年初九 evening. We bought the Yu Sheng from The Soup Restaurant(三盅两件).. it's nice.
We supposed to celebrate Yuan Xiao with the sisters & their family as Sara's only back from a business trip to the US on that day morning. But Gin's mum is diagnosed with cancer so she wants to spend time with her mum. Totally understand how she feels.. we shall give her the moral support that she needs now.
Talking about this, was texting Gin yesterday & got to to know that her mum's doing BRT treatment for her condition & turns out that she's a patient at hubby's centre. It's such a small world! Let's pray for God's healing according to His Will