I DIYed gel nails!
A trip to MagicBoo, a beauty products wholesaler/retailer (great recommendation from hubby dearest!), led to a damage of about $100 & an interest in DIYing my nails.
Gathered a few other lacking items from Far East Plaza & voilà, this is my very own Gel Nails Kit! ;)
This my 2nd attempt. The 1st was quite a mess.. so I redid it 2 days later on Mon when we're both on leave.
This was done last Sat. Much better but still got lotsa room for improvement. The nail on my ring finger is actually an extension that I did. Not bad at all right? :)
A trip to MagicBoo, a beauty products wholesaler/retailer (great recommendation from hubby dearest!), led to a damage of about $100 & an interest in DIYing my nails.
Gathered a few other lacking items from Far East Plaza & voilà, this is my very own Gel Nails Kit! ;)

Total bill for this kit - $240 (including the UV lamp that's @ a cheap price of $42). I just need to do 2 nice sets to break even... & I'm already 1 down, haa (hopefully it lasts at least for 3 weeks though)...
You see, once you start to do gel nails there's a high tendency you get hooked. Or is it a self-justification?:P For CNY & some other special occasion I think I'll still go to my manicurist as she does a really great job (but very ex.. + extension + french + Christmas/CNY surcharge = $140!). So on normal days when I just want my nails to look polished & maintenance free, this a good way ;)
But it's definitely no ez job. Thousands of kisses to my honey who's, as usual, so ever supportive of what I want to do... ran around with me in search of the missing products, not only once or twice... even in the late evening all the way from home to AMK! And staying awake into such 'early' hours just because his wifey has taken up a new interest & at exploration stage..
I'm very sure now hubby knows about gel nails even more than many ladies out there, hee!