So finally we're eligible to recontract - I converted to corporate plan and hubby, to bundle plan which enables him to enjoy a 30% discount on his current plan. As for the new phones, hubby had been eyeing on Samsung Galaxy S2 and since we still wanted to own the same phone, I decided to get S2 as well though I'd not forgotten how badly the first generation of Galaxy S performed.
As we sold our Incredible S at a very good price and hubby's $300 top-up was waived, we got to keep a couple of hundreds even after getting our new phones.
That night, I was so frustrated just trying to configure the phone to my preference. And I got paranoid over every lil hiccup/slowness I experienced with the phone (I was still not over with the bad experiences with Galaxy S). My mood was so affected that hubby made the decision of getting me another phone. The next day, we got rid of an S2 and, & without any idea of what phone to get, I chose a HTC Evo 3D. It's real bulky but I thought it should be good.
Besides very unique 3D effect on the pictures (the objects taken looked soooo real!), there's seriously nothing else to shout about. What's worse, I couldn't receive emails & even Whatsapp wasn't working! Tried living with it for a week & I gave up! Last Tue, hubby & I went back to the vendor & sold him the phone... it's so nice of him to take it back at a very high price (as high as a new set buy-back). After a day's consideration, I decided to get a relatively older phone - Sony Ericsson Xperia arc. But finally, I'm a happy girl. It's so slim & light & the camera is good! ;)
I'm fussy about phone - good camera, sound messaging/emails response & prompt internet connection. Whereas hubby's is simple - messaging apps & emails must work well. We liked Incredible S but it lost out on the camera & dropped calls pretty frequently.
Few days ago, we sold & bought again. This time round was hubby's who also gave up on his S2 as he, too, was unable to receive emails. Everyone's been raving about S2... so think we're the only 2 who think otherwise. So hubby joined me to be an arc user and got another round of "profit" as the selling price of S2 was higher than the buying of arc:)