Had been trying to find a suitable character for myself since the D&D theme was Once Upon A Time... something about fairy tales. Initially thought of dressing up as an (random/nameless) angel.. just wanted to doll up & be pretty for that night. Then when hubby suggested Tinkerbell, my first reaction was "NOoo!".
2 weeks before the event, we went to this costume house at Toa Payoh... it's huge!! Nothing caught my eyes & I definitely didn't want to be Snow White or Mermaid! Then we saw Tinkerbell's outfit & I thought it wasn't that bad, the skirt was a lil too short but definitely I'd wear shorts :)
Dearest hubby was amusing himself in the shop!
Days before D&D, I was busy getting all things ready & finding solution to a situation which I was stuck in - S said would follow me home as she wanted me to do makeup for her & C wanted to have afternoon tea together before the Dinner (& I felt obliged because C said she'd go because I asked her to). And even though we'd have an early knock-off @ 3.30pm that day & hubby had made prior arrangement to drive me office-home-MBS-home, I foresaw that by the time I reached home I'd only have time for myself. Hence after much consideration & discussion with hubby, we eventually rented a room at MBS, so that the ladies including myself could get prepped/have tea in the room.
That day, as planned, we left office at 3.30pm & hubby drove us to MBS. We're glad that hubby came as there's a long Q at the taxi stand & it's changing shift time so not easy to get a cab. After checking in, hubby did his work in the hotel room with his laptop while the 4 ladies busy dolling up, chatting, sipping tea & having dessert. I was the first to start preparing so I could help C & S. But I made a big blunder :( In order to have the best effect, I bought a pair of blue lenses. But I have totally forgotten about it till I was 80% done with my makeup. Having (almost) perfect eyesight meaning I didn't need to wear contact lenses, I struggled with putting them on (which took me more than 15mins) & then trying to remove them as they pricked my eyes. After more than half an hour's attempts, my whole face was soaked with perspiration & yes, my makeup completely ran. So I gotta remove all my makeup.. & started the whole process again. I was really upset with myself especially after so much fuss & delays, I still went sans blue lenses! And threw $24 into the bin! But the 3 ladies had been really patient with me... none of them chided me for wasting so much time & still tried best to not disturb me. When I was done, it's already past 7pm & we supposed to be down @7! In the midst, I only managed to help S with the eyeliner - the Queen must have fierce eyes!

Upon checking in, I told MBS we're celebrating a friend's birthday (S' fell on this month). And they delivered this to our room. So we've a free afternoon tea (in-room TWG tea + Raspberry Choco cake)! ;)
Helping C with her hair.
Notice mine's quite blond? Hubby & I searched for colored hair spray & hubby helped to spray on after I was done with dressing up. Everyone's impressed with the effect! ;)
Ok all set! & it's already past 7.30pm!
We then realised that it's a looooong walk from the hotel to the convention centre.... from one end of MBS to the other end - down the escalator - through the casino - past the shopping mall to reach 5 levels of escalators before reaching our destination. Of course, we attracted many stares. It's my first time :P
While we adjourned to the D&D, hubby enjoyed his dinner at Kraze Burger & then went back to the room to continue his work. And yes, he confessed that he played with the blue lenses but failed to put them on, haha.
It's a night of fun for us... Took lots of photos with buddies Cindy & Adel & the group. Boss wanted me to sit with the team but I preferred to be with my friends (& a group of us formed our own table). So I'd to also run between my table & the teams'. Happy that I didn't choose to dress up as an angel as there're many nameless angels around that night.
Love this! The hall was so big that we kept missing each other & it's impossible to Whatsapp/call as the connection was bad! Imagine... there're 260 tables (x 11 pax/table) & how many were using their phones.
So we're like long lost friends when we finally bumped into each other :D
Towards the end of the dinner, I joined my team & got stuck there (when the ladies went back to the room to get their stuff, they told hubby I was missing! hehe). By then many members in my team were seriously intoxicated. One of them told me that they'd been drinking since the start of the dinner... & instead of being served by the waiter, they asked to have the whole bottle of red wine left on the table & the flow of red wine never ceased! Well, I guess that's the privilege of being at the VIP table. But I really thank God I wasn't sitting with them!!
After a few dances, I "danced" off to the exit & hubby was waiting for me downstairs to fetch his Tinkerbell wife back :)
Finally, a pic with my beloved when we're back in the room, before ending the night.
Rise & Shine the next morning. We got a nice city view room :)
At least it didn't waste all the efforts in preparing & I have my beloved hubby to thank! From shopping around for ideas, searching for suitable characters, going to/from the costume shop a few times (not only for myself but for a couple of colleagues too!) to looking for other accompanied items for the character, hubby had been so supportive that as if he's the one who's going for the event. The ladies were in fact impressed with how hubby took care of me & they kept asking "ok tell us, what else did you do/pack by yourself??". Yes, I'm so blessed to have him! Thank God!! And thanks honey! Muakz!!