She said she never liked festives when partnerless & I thought she sounded a lil melodramatic. Told her that Christmas & CNY were mostly family affairs... so we should enjoy the time spent with family instead.
But I realized she's not totally wrong & I wasn't totally right. It does matter... especially when you once had that someone special to celebrate those festivals with.
So yes, I thank God that I was able to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve & New Year's Day with hubby. The streets & malls were packed with merrymakers... couples/families... Indeed one would be swamped if she/he is lonely at heart.
So I felt really blessed ....
We worked half day on NYE... then had a 3-hr session @ K Suites in the afternoon. No fancy dinner (we had chicken rice as it's the least crowded place! hehe) ... Then desserts at 阿秋甜品 at Liang Seah Street.. it's usually long Q but that night it's almost empty. And it's a cold rainy night... what a good time to have some hot 糖水. After that, we returned home for some beer + TV. Contented. :)
Had a nice family outing to spend the last Sunday of 2012. We visited Gardens by the Bay. Hubby & I weren't very interested in visiting but didn't want to be spoilsport. It turned out better than we expected as it's the company that mattered ;) And we brought our Galaxy camera for her first assignment! :D
A nice family pic!
Hubby playfully intruded into Ivan's & Con's pic taking.. haha.