It's no better for my poor hubby... he sends me there for every lesson, waits for me during that 100mins & makes sure that I see him as soon as I get off the vehicle. He said since he's the 1 who encourages me to learn driving, he's to give full support... & days before my 1st lesson started, he's even more excited than me & looking forward to it, ha! Whereas, I was more nervous & scared than anything hehe. He's always eager to find out what I've done after each lesson.
Good that it's not a long term kinda commitment. But I'm afraid I'll take longer than others to 'graduate' leh...
About the learning experience... already had a few boo-boos so far:
- Was as usual waiting for the instructor in the car & when he finally came, realised that I wasn't the trainee assigned to him so he ran to the staff i/c to enquire for me. By then all the cars started to move & he soon found out that I should go to 62 instead of 63! Had to rush to the car as it's moving off already. My instructor was laughing & shaking his head
- Was searching high & low for the veh & every1 would be moving off soon. The panicky me caught hold of 1 instructor for rescue. He helped me to look for the car while getting a few of his kakis to join in the search too. After a while of commotion, came another instructor saying that he's looking for his veh & realised that it's also the 1 I was trying to find. Just then the car appeared... don't know who'd brought it to top up petrol... so it wasn't my fault for this incident.
- Last sat morning I was very late & all the cars already started moving before I found mine. So I could only half-ran half-walked along the roadside & squeezed my way through behind the instructors who're leading the warming up session for all motorcyclists & then the staff gotta stop the ongoing cars to let me cross the road to my veh. Boy it's quite embarrassing!
And also my co-ordination problem, forgetfulness, carelessness... Every1 tells me it's like this initially & I'll get better with more practice. Well I really hope so.
Hi Kelly,
Take your time. It doesn't matter if you take longer, just so long that you get the licence ultimately.
If you're taking your lessons at YCK SSDC, you'll probably meet my hubby next month. That's when he promised he'll continue with his lessons after stopping for a few months.
Just remember, don't be late for your driving test. :)
Hihi Chyih,
Thks for yr encouragement!
There's 1 common remark made by all my instructors ->not to be too nervous... but I wish I could to do it... Haiz....
Like during my last lesson on Mon, I shd b able to fare ok as it's only a revision of what I previously learnt but instead got so so uptight that the instructor had to jam brake for me once, dashed past amber-turning-red traffic which I'd stupidly risked suspending my own PDL & a few other boo boos. I was already panicky & tis instructor kept commenting on the slightest gesture I had. I know he meant good but I became even more self-conscious & scared & ended up behaving more irrationally.
That's great to hear about yr hubby's... so I may even get to meet you there ya? hehe.. Like said before, on weekdays I'm taking the latest lesson.. cheaper & also give me more buffer time if I were to leave late from work.
Oyes, just ask your hubby to be careful should he happens to get 1 of the female instructors who's pretty new in the job. I was being wrongly "educated" by her. According to other instructors which fortuantely I seeked further clarification, what she told me could cause an IMMEDIATE FAILURE during test!
I'd have blocked her if I haven't decided to fix a permanent instructor for the rest of my lessons.
You should learn to relax a little bit. It'll get better over time. Really. Wait till you have to drive your car all by yourself after passing. I remembered how cold and clammy my hands became. And I was breaking out in cold sweat, and checking my blind spots every now and then haha...
Maybe we'll meet! My hubby takes the latest lessons if not in the afternoons too!
Oh... I'll let him know about the female instructor. So far he has had very good instructors. Out of which, 2 Malay male instructors were his favourite.
Good luck! May you get your licence soon!
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