And it's the latest addition to My Works :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Family affair
Last Sat we'd BBQ at our place. With my inlaws and the family plus mum.
All of them loved the chicken wings I marinated... hubby should share the credit too as we did it together :)
It's the first time mum alone joined in & initially I was a lil worried. I didn't want to be the sandwich. But thankfully my MIL was very friendly and she kinda kept mum company.
Surprisingly, during school holidays, we're the only group there so it's more like a private function and we'd the luxury of using all the tables & chairs. Maybe it's rainy season being end of the year so everybody's not keen to do BBQ. Like that evening, we'd a lil rain initially but thank God it stopped soon after we started. And the cool air actually did help to keep the heat down.
By the way, City Satay's pork satays are delicious; we purposely made a trip to their shop in the east which's near hubby's office on Sat morning.
All of them loved the chicken wings I marinated... hubby should share the credit too as we did it together :)
It's the first time mum alone joined in & initially I was a lil worried. I didn't want to be the sandwich. But thankfully my MIL was very friendly and she kinda kept mum company.
Surprisingly, during school holidays, we're the only group there so it's more like a private function and we'd the luxury of using all the tables & chairs. Maybe it's rainy season being end of the year so everybody's not keen to do BBQ. Like that evening, we'd a lil rain initially but thank God it stopped soon after we started. And the cool air actually did help to keep the heat down.
By the way, City Satay's pork satays are delicious; we purposely made a trip to their shop in the east which's near hubby's office on Sat morning.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's RETRO time ...

Hubby happened to come across this website and decided to give us a makeover. When I opened his email of these pix (there're still many more), I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
A few more......

He's going to kill me! Hahaha!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Many around us are going through or have just come out of broken marriages.
Is it a trend now? Everyone's jumping on the bandwagon.
Someone in the family will be getting the Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final (previously known as Decree Nisi Absolute) end of this month. Someone in the family had gone on separation but now trying to salvage the marriage though it's a lil bleak. Someone in the family is unhappy with the marriage, attempted to jump ship a few times but failed... so struggling to maintain a make-do relationship.
Our next door lived a young couple. We would make some small chats whenever we bumped into each other. They looked like a happily wedded couple who would go JB together for golf almost every other week. The last time I saw them was at the carpark & the 3 of us were chatting (hubby was not around then). Later on I even visited their home for the first time as they wanted to show me some stuff. But shortly after, the husband disappeared. So was his car. It's obvious as they used to go to work/come home together but now we only see the wife going out/coming back alone. For so long, only hubby saw him once at carpark, 9pm+, & he's leaving. We're pretty shocked.. I mean, there's no sign at all that their relationship's on the brink. Recently, we saw several times a man who drove a 5-series BM sent her back (we're busybody), sometimes the man would even leave her place in the morning.
Some time back, we're woken up from deep sleep when my cell phone rang at 5am+. It's my ex-colleague, MW, who called to ask me go for drinks & he sounded drunk. After knowing I didn't want to go out at such hour (who would actually?), he hanged up. From his mumbles I think he said he's been drinking at home. When I woke up in the morning I felt something amiss & rang his buddy, who apparently knew nothing, to check on him. Few days later his buddy, Ed, called & told me that his wife left him. Honestly he's the last person whom I would expect to have marriage problem... being an educated beng, he's doing well as a Regional Sales Manager & all of us in the office knew he doted on his wife very much. He'd not stop talking about her in front of us.
Then 2 months ago, it's my old friend. According to him, the wife woke up one morning & was determined that they're no longer compatible & held no future together. All of a sudden she couldn't stand many things that he did. A month after her realisation, she moved out.
People's mind has changed... plus the past experience... that's why when I see a loving pair, I'd wonder... are they a 'rightful' couple? If they are, then is the guy seeing a lover behind her back? Or maybe it's the gal who has a secret boyfriend? I may be too paranoid & I'm honestly sadden by my own cynicism. But it's not difficult to find individuals who lead a double life. In fact there're more & more these days... both male & female as men no longer monopolise the world of polygamy.
Having said all the above, I'm thankful that I've a husband who can make me believe there is miracle. We do not take it for granted though as it doesn't come easy. We've gone through a lot and are devoting our utmost to nurture this relationship. Both must have the same pace & conviction to make it work.
LL, if you're reading this, I don't know what else to say.... we all have different setbacks to face, though some may have more. Take time to get through this, feel free to talk, to vent out.... and believe that what you are enduring now will make you a even stronger person.
Is it a trend now? Everyone's jumping on the bandwagon.
Someone in the family will be getting the Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final (previously known as Decree Nisi Absolute) end of this month. Someone in the family had gone on separation but now trying to salvage the marriage though it's a lil bleak. Someone in the family is unhappy with the marriage, attempted to jump ship a few times but failed... so struggling to maintain a make-do relationship.
Our next door lived a young couple. We would make some small chats whenever we bumped into each other. They looked like a happily wedded couple who would go JB together for golf almost every other week. The last time I saw them was at the carpark & the 3 of us were chatting (hubby was not around then). Later on I even visited their home for the first time as they wanted to show me some stuff. But shortly after, the husband disappeared. So was his car. It's obvious as they used to go to work/come home together but now we only see the wife going out/coming back alone. For so long, only hubby saw him once at carpark, 9pm+, & he's leaving. We're pretty shocked.. I mean, there's no sign at all that their relationship's on the brink. Recently, we saw several times a man who drove a 5-series BM sent her back (we're busybody), sometimes the man would even leave her place in the morning.
Some time back, we're woken up from deep sleep when my cell phone rang at 5am+. It's my ex-colleague, MW, who called to ask me go for drinks & he sounded drunk. After knowing I didn't want to go out at such hour (who would actually?), he hanged up. From his mumbles I think he said he's been drinking at home. When I woke up in the morning I felt something amiss & rang his buddy, who apparently knew nothing, to check on him. Few days later his buddy, Ed, called & told me that his wife left him. Honestly he's the last person whom I would expect to have marriage problem... being an educated beng, he's doing well as a Regional Sales Manager & all of us in the office knew he doted on his wife very much. He'd not stop talking about her in front of us.
Then 2 months ago, it's my old friend. According to him, the wife woke up one morning & was determined that they're no longer compatible & held no future together. All of a sudden she couldn't stand many things that he did. A month after her realisation, she moved out.
People's mind has changed... plus the past experience... that's why when I see a loving pair, I'd wonder... are they a 'rightful' couple? If they are, then is the guy seeing a lover behind her back? Or maybe it's the gal who has a secret boyfriend? I may be too paranoid & I'm honestly sadden by my own cynicism. But it's not difficult to find individuals who lead a double life. In fact there're more & more these days... both male & female as men no longer monopolise the world of polygamy.
Having said all the above, I'm thankful that I've a husband who can make me believe there is miracle. We do not take it for granted though as it doesn't come easy. We've gone through a lot and are devoting our utmost to nurture this relationship. Both must have the same pace & conviction to make it work.
LL, if you're reading this, I don't know what else to say.... we all have different setbacks to face, though some may have more. Take time to get through this, feel free to talk, to vent out.... and believe that what you are enduring now will make you a even stronger person.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I'm not a neat person but I'm fond of organising my stuff. It's mainly for the ease of using especially in the morning. From the accessories cabinet 2 years ago, to the cosmetics organiser I self-created recently... do save me quite a bit of time. I've also done a mani/pedi box.
Initially I was looking at getting one of those professional train cases. Too bad I didn't get one when I made frequent trips to Bangkok previously as it's much cheaper there. Saw one @ I NUOVI but gosh.... S$398 for a big one & S$298 for a smaller version! Of course I'm not going to pay so much for 1. I'm no professional makeup artist, so I don't see the need to pay so much. Then, was about to order one online... only US$40 for a good size. But the shipping cost turned out to be triple of the item~ at nearly S$200! Perhaps due to the weight & the dimension. The last one we happened to come across was at a pushcart in Causeway Point - S$120. Hubby offered to get me as Christmas present but after some thoughts, I decided to opt to DIY.
Initially I was looking at getting one of those professional train cases. Too bad I didn't get one when I made frequent trips to Bangkok previously as it's much cheaper there. Saw one @ I NUOVI but gosh.... S$398 for a big one & S$298 for a smaller version! Of course I'm not going to pay so much for 1. I'm no professional makeup artist, so I don't see the need to pay so much. Then, was about to order one online... only US$40 for a good size. But the shipping cost turned out to be triple of the item~ at nearly S$200! Perhaps due to the weight & the dimension. The last one we happened to come across was at a pushcart in Causeway Point - S$120. Hubby offered to get me as Christmas present but after some thoughts, I decided to opt to DIY.
Voilà! A nice home for my cosmetics!
A closer look.
Got this transparent drawer from Howards Storage World which is meant for shoe storage. Also bought 2 clear holders (they're actually soap/toothbrush holders) there as well as 2 more from Daiso.
Total costs>> less than S$40 and totally match our glassy concept! I'm quite impressed with myself in fact, haha.My mani/pedi box... It's actually a tool box from DIY shop - Home Fix.
Have another box that stores similar quantity but used only once in a while.
These are the rewards of a few trips of window shopping & surveying hubby & I had made :)
Monday, November 03, 2008
3 blissful years & many more ahead ...
Yesterday's our 3rd wedding anniversary. Due to current economic situation, we cut the amount spent on celebration. No hotel stay this year:( And we've also agreed that from now on for wedding anniversary, we'll get a present together... most likely will be something for our home. Feel it's kinda meaningful that while we celebrate our years together, we get something that's in our wish list to build our sweet home.
This year, we got ourselves a digital photo frame. Been wanting to have one to display our pix when we realise that we've too many beautiful pix together but only limited ones can be shown. We start small... a 7-inch for our console.
Last Sat, we'd buffet lunch at Shangri-La's The Line. Good food, great ambience... enjoyed so much that we didn't realised our lunch lasted a good 2.5hour.
We worked yesterday as I didn't want to take leave during my first month of work. Hubby gave me a surprise by having a bouquet delivered to my office in late afternoon (actually I kind of anticipated flowers but when nothing showed up for the whole day, I thought I'd guessed wrongly.. hee) as he knew I'd a meeting in the morning so he requested 2-5pm delivery. And the bouquet was literally delivered at 4.30pm & I got it at 5pm.
Had simple Japanese food as dinner at The Cathay's Nihon Mura. Interesting concept and the quality of food is pretty good. By the way, sushi's @ $0.99/plate.
This year, we got ourselves a digital photo frame. Been wanting to have one to display our pix when we realise that we've too many beautiful pix together but only limited ones can be shown. We start small... a 7-inch for our console.
Last Sat, we'd buffet lunch at Shangri-La's The Line. Good food, great ambience... enjoyed so much that we didn't realised our lunch lasted a good 2.5hour.
We worked yesterday as I didn't want to take leave during my first month of work. Hubby gave me a surprise by having a bouquet delivered to my office in late afternoon (actually I kind of anticipated flowers but when nothing showed up for the whole day, I thought I'd guessed wrongly.. hee) as he knew I'd a meeting in the morning so he requested 2-5pm delivery. And the bouquet was literally delivered at 4.30pm & I got it at 5pm.
Had simple Japanese food as dinner at The Cathay's Nihon Mura. Interesting concept and the quality of food is pretty good. By the way, sushi's @ $0.99/plate.

Had a great buffet lunch
My beautiful bouquet in black & burgundy. It's such a coincidence that I changed our blog colour to the exact combi last weekend. Another evidence that we do think alike very often ;)

Our 7-inch digital photo frame

Sunday, November 02, 2008
3 weeks ago, we went to Courts to look for a kettle but ended up bringing a kettle and a tv home.
It broke down for the first (&, so far, only) time a year ago. Only then we're glad we opted for the extended warranty that has just expired yesterday. Sold the tv to Cash Converter for $150... so in a way we only got the new one at $500.
Recently, TVs are cheap so it's a good time to get if you need. Eg. 42-inch LCDs (Sharp/Panasonic ...) only going for $1,000 - $1,300. But we're not greedy, for now we're happy with 32' ;)
Panasonic Viera 32-inch LCD tv @ $699 + 3 years warranty.
It broke down for the first (&, so far, only) time a year ago. Only then we're glad we opted for the extended warranty that has just expired yesterday. Sold the tv to Cash Converter for $150... so in a way we only got the new one at $500.
Recently, TVs are cheap so it's a good time to get if you need. Eg. 42-inch LCDs (Sharp/Panasonic ...) only going for $1,000 - $1,300. But we're not greedy, for now we're happy with 32' ;)
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