My birthday celebration started on friday with a few colleagues, a very small one though. But it's the thought of gathering for the 1st time & for my birthday that's greatly appreciated :)
They're not from my team - 1 from the 7th floor, 2 from 14th floor & I, from 18th floor. We got to know each other through work separately & later discovered we all knew one another.
We had a quick lunch at one of the nearby coffee shops & then moved on to Far East Sq's Spinelli. They bought me a slice of cake & one of the gals, Irene, suggested singing birthday song. What we least expected was.... she sang real LOUD. Cindy who actually started to sing got too shock to carry on... we're embarrassed (me, especially) & couldn't stop laughing. I shouldn't have dared her... earlier in the morning when she suggested lunch, she said she'd sing me a birthday song in public. Can't remember what we said, I told her that if she dared to sing aloud, I'd have the guts to be there too. So now I know she's one who can't be challenged.
This is Ms Irene, who seemed oblivious of the people around. There she was singing happily & loudly while clapping.
She's so nice to have organised this lunch.
With Zoey, Irene & Cindy (behind us)
She's so nice to have organised this lunch.
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