Sunday, May 03, 2009


FINALLY..... after 3 years and 3 months, I could brace myself up to watch our wedding video. Yes... ever since daddy had gone back to the Lord, I couldn't bring myself to watch it... to see him... as he still looked so alive in the screen.

I'm happy I've made a step forward, with lotsa & lotsa understanding & patience & support from hubby :)

Played around with the video & discovered we could actually made snapshots from it! Ha! That's great though the images aren't that clear... as we've missed out a lot due to the early "resignation" of uncle Soon Meng, much before our celebration ended (that's the down side of getting help instead of hiring a professional photographer which I truly regretted a lil.. but we also know the reason ~ save $$$).

So... enjoy these additional moments after, well, 39 months.... ;)

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