Our last stop was Giant. Hubby & I were pushing the trolley together & walking towards the travelator. Then there's this Ah Lian (she's about 30?) carrying a kid, knocked onto hubby from behind. Hubby turned around & she just stared at him. Not bothered by her, we carried on our conversation. Almost immediately, she knocked onto him again. This time, hubby was a lil agitated & shot her a glare (by then she's already next to hubby). Instead of apologising, she turned & said something to the man (her husband? or boyfriend?) who's walking slightly behind her. Hubby couldn't believe that's the response he got & complained to me how rude this woman was. While he's doing that, I saw that man staring at hubby from head to toe.. as if hubby was the one who bumped into that Lian.
Just then they slowed down & we went ahead of them which gave me a chance to throw a dirty look @ that woman. Later hubby told me he heard her saying: "... see what? see %#$ ar...". According to hubby, the %#$ she said was referring to part of the male's sex organ, in Hokkien. I was more shock than angry. Thank God that He had my ears covered... otherwise most likely I might have reacted by saying out loud "it's a shame that a mother is teaching her child all these words!" (she's carrying a kid ok!). But after a few seconds, I wanted to laugh instead. Was this woman ignorant or plain foolish? She's referring to her own face as... the male's ...... ?? Did she know what she's talking? Really thank God that I didn't hear what she said otherwise it could have escalated into a heated argument though the fault was clearly theirs. But do you think this type of people would admit?
Shortly after this saga, still on our way to the travelator, there's another group of people comprised of a fat auntie, her maid, 2 kids & think there's another adult standing right in middle & somewhat forming a circle. As they're blocking us, we said "excuse us" & waited for them to move away. The kids were oblivious, the maid was stoning there looking blankly at us. Then when this fat auntie, who seemed to be busy with something but her kids, saw that we're gesturing (with our trolley) that we needed them to give way, she said loudly "say excuse lah!" while pulling her kids away. Pleaseeeee! Did we not say it?!? It's just that her deaf ears couldn't hear us!
What's happening to these individuals??!?! Did they decide to come out together & irritate people on a Sat night?!
Hubby & I talked about it in the car & we both feel that there is this group of parents who think that they, when out with their kids, are "大晒"... as if the world owes them & their children. But hello? We don't owe them anything! Their mentality - 'It's public responsibility to take care of MY kids' while they don't realise that it's actually their very own & prior responsibility to look after their kids in the public. If they fail to do so, is it right to blame others for not doing it?? Similarly, the reminder "Give up these seats to those who need them more" on public transport should be respected mutually. We giving up our seats is to make the society a more gracious one. Not to be taken for granted.
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