When I got to know about it on Sunday, I thought it wasn't that serious.... Monday, got a lil more details about the seriousness of his injuries but without info on what actually happened. And I couldn't really sleep that night... kept thinking what led to the attack. Yesterday, finally got more details & also read from the news... and I really feel sorry for him and his family. Have been praying for them....
He's a very smart boy... in fact, he and his siblings went through gifted program in school. His ambition is to be a pilot. Especially when you've kinda walked with him in the path of his growing up, who he is today is not to be taken for granted. And I feel for his parents, who are our family friends.
I taught them since they were about 3 years old... till 12 or 13. Their age gap is only 1 year apart. At that time, they're the infamous "三大天王" in church... everyone would shake their heads at the mere mention of their names. How naughty were they? As they're too smart for their age, they'd no interest in all those toys/games the parents bought for them. They created their own games, that was, all the furniture in the house... they'd jump from one furniture to the other. Another time, as they didn't want the maid to bring them out (can’t remember where to... maybe to school?), they locked the gate's padlock & threw the key out of window. They caused their parents a lot of headaches then. So in church, you can roughly imagine how mischevious they could get. It was a lil challenging for me initially as I wasn't someone with a mild temper. But not too long later, we built up very good relationship. When they saw me in church, they (among some other boys & girls who were in my classes) would run to me to tell me things that happened in their school or to complain about their siblings. I taught them & played a lot with them as well... so much so that my ex was very unhappy as he thought it was unglam for a grown-up girl to be running around & chasing the ball with them in church (& in heels). But I couldn’t be bothered as during class, I wanted everyone to be serious but out of class, I wanted to have much fun with them. The parents were so happy that their kids ‘listened’ to at least someone out there. I even brought them out to the Science Centre before & for a few other outings as their parents were in my cell group. Over the years, they changed for the better... became more & more thoughtful and obedient. Then they did so well in school. Then they graduated from my classes but they’re also in my cell group, together with the parents. The boy even started to lead the singing portion sometimes. In my mind, they’re the young ones who have a very bright future, so this came as a really shocking news to me.
He’s in ICU now.... among his multiple injuries, the most serious one gotta be the back, that was so close to hitting the spine. And also his hand & fingers... the docs had done a re-attachment surgery for him but still very much under observation. He’s a brave boy who supposed to have a very promising future. But our will may not be His. We thank Him that JH’s will to live is so strong.. imagine, being left out there, bleeding for 7 hours. Thank God for his life... we’ll just continue to pray ernestly for his journey to recovery and his family as well.
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