Friday, July 30, 2010

Thank you Lord ...

... for the remarkable Tuesday:)

Very often we just have to marvel at how our God works in our lives. For so many years, hubby has been praying for me... that I'll be able to really walk out of the shadows.

I crossed the 1st hurdle last Christmas Eve. The 2nd hurdle was overcome 7 months later - I returned for the 1st Sunday Service with mum & hubby on 11 July. It's a pleasant surprise for mum as she wasn't aware beforehand... & yes, she's so happy. And many old friends gave me a welcoming pat on the shoulder :)

Just 1 week after the return.. my ex passed me (through his dad who gave it to my mum in church on Tue) an officially-signed letter, requesting me to give consent in releasing my right as his insurance beneficiary. Initially I was quite upset... after 7 years, I still had to deal with such matters of his. I dreaded to see him again & what's worse - seeing his parents as they had to be there too. The sight of him (& his parents) would remind me of those stormy days... of his nasty attitude... of the sickening (欠扁) look that's always on his face....

Text him 2 days after I got the letter & arranged to meet the following Tue.. just wanted to get it over. Sabrina, my bestie in church, told me to go with hubby. She's the only I kept in touch with since I left & she's the one who "taught" me how to be a true friend.

So that Tue morning (20 July), I was at AIA office in Raffles Place with hubby & waited anxiously to be face-to-face with the ex & his parents for the 1st time in 6 years. I was nervous... I wasn't sure if I'd get similar unpleasant treatments from them again... But hey, I thought I was doing him a big favour ok.

And it turned out to be better than I expected. Guess he appreciated my prompt response & agreement to his request. After all that he'd done in order not to make my life easier, he might assume that I'd have jumped at this chance to revenge? So he's smiley from the 1st moment I saw him & so was his mum. Not too bad... though his dad was as usual stone-faced (but at least better than flaring his fiery temper).

When we're waiting for things to be done (hubby was waiting for me & gave his support from afar & his parents were sitting behind), we got into small chats.. he got a new job again (his 15th, or so?).. anyway it's no longer my business. He also said he's going to drop his girlfriend of a few years & I was a lil too amazed by his frank remark that I didn't know how to respond...
Before I left, he even thanked me & apologise for the troubles.

Thank God for the whole healing process... The day I was ready to return to my ex-church & see everyone again, it's when God healed me of the remaining brokenness from the past. The ex has been attending another church & we didn't see his parents as they attending different congregation but the recontact just happened so timely - how great was His arrangement.

In fact now, I don't mind adding him on Facebook. That's how much I'm freed from the past. ;)

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