Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Honey! :)

Con organised a birthday dinner for his bro last Sat. It's a double celebration for hubby - his birthday & almost the end of his ICT. Almost as he still has a day to go this week... but at least he's done with the toughest days (2 sets of 4D3N in the jungle). Thank God.

Dinner & drinks at Tawandang Microbrewery Dempsey. We ordered 2 litre of Weizen (cloudy) & 2 litre of Dunkel (dark reddish brown).

Hubby got a surprise from the siblings when the singer & her entourage came, singing birthday song to hubby with a birthday cake. I was equally shocked, haha.

My gift to hubby - a Seiko Criteria ;)

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