Last week (Mon night) we discovered that he vomitted once we returned from work. So we took half-day leave on Tue & brought him to the vet. We didn't expect him to be admitted immediately as an emergency procedure needed to be performed on him. He then stayed there for a few days under observation.. til the surgeon told us the only solution was to do an operation. It's a real big struggle for us whether to save him. We've never expected he's such serious problems at his young age. Eventually we decided to go ahead with the ops on Mon (this week). Brought him home last night, after exactly a week's hospitalisation... with a total of $1.5k spent. And the sad part is.. he's not totally cured.
He's such a very sweet boy & had charmed everyone in the hospital. The 1st 2 days he's totally zonked out due to the sedation & pain. 3rd day onwards, when he saw us, he'd meow till he knew there's no chance for him to be freed from the tubes, the e-collar & the long bandage on his leg. He'd then sulk by closing his eyes & ignoring us no matter how we called him. Only when we went hiding that he'd open his big eyes to look for us.
I was rather depressed last week. Was thinking why again around this time? Last year we went through a traumatic period having to deal with daddy's condition. Of course the intensity can't be compared at all. And the year before last.. to cope with the hardest blow we ever had when the bomb of daddy's health dropped onto us. Unable to have a happy CNY preps for 3 years, straight in a row... doesn't help at all when hubby & I like CNY.
Next 2 weeks will be a trying one for us & him... we'll have to see how everything goes. 辛苦你了老公, you've been doing all the dirty jobs.. even more now. Muakz.
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