Thursday, February 01, 2007

Runs like a tap

The damages incurred last month was a continuation of those in Dec, in fact I can safely say it's reached a new height. Just Tubby alone is 1.5k... Then 3 birthday celebrations in a row - 14/1 my bro, 19/1 FIL, 23/1 BIL (hubby's bro). Plus Melbourne trip.. yes talking about that, we're back to square 1. Mum is super afraid of cold.. so Seoul is out. OK.. will keep our newly purchased winter wear for some other time. For CNY - on clothes & the household, hongbao $$ ...

Speaking of birthdays... Ben, my bro-in-law (hubby's bro) turned 21 last month. To celebrate his birthday, we'd hi-tea @ Goodwood Park on 20jan. He looks much better now after 4 months of NS. Ha! Birthday dinner of father-in-law's on 19jan @ Bishan Golf Driving Range where he'd 2 tables.

Photographer : ME!

Hubby & I shopped a lot & bought quite a few items as well. And I'm (we?) still buying. Just sent our curtains for dry-cleaning on Tue. Our house looks so raw now... what a big difference a set of curtain can make! Haven't even started getting the goodies... still looking around for real yummy ones. Have some ideas to beautify our place after next weekend's spring cleaning but again, means spending.

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