Friday, May 23, 2008

Career move

It's not about me this time :)

Hubby's been feeling restless in his job some weeks ago... just about the same time when I started my new job. Things didn't move that well with the projects he's handling & he couldn't see himself getting anywhere. Just when he started looking around, there's an unexpected twist - he's being offered 2 positions by 2 department heads.

At one point hubby's pretty stressed out having to make a decision within a couple of days & at the same time, to do it diplomatically so as not to offend anyone. I consoled him that at least he's being valued to have the VP & AVP fighting over him. Hee.

The choice's been made (since 2 weeks ago & this shows how long I haven't been able to post updates) & now, hubby's the Brand Manager. This is what he's been hoping to do but just didn't know where & how to venture in as, without relevant experience, he would have to start from scratch & that's something he's not too willing to compromise.
So isn't it amazing that this job just came knocking at his door? What else can we say but to thank God!

Everything moved so swiftly that it's like a dream to Vince. He did immediate transfer & just a few days into his new portfolio, he had to attend media events & lunches.

I'm really happy for him. Though we've no idea how long he'll stay in this job, we know his ultimate purpose is to pave his way by accumulating experience for as long as he can.

Congrats, hubby! :D

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