Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Great Evening

Just back from a hot date with my honey. Well actually we had an appointment with the girls. The SATC girls.

Hubby had plans to treat me to the movie this evening (I mean Fri night) but was sold out nearly a week before the show... except a few seats on the first row. It's quite a disappointment as we've been so looking forward to it for months.

Then when the Media Director of GV knew that Mr Soh had failed to secure seats to bring his wife to the show, he had 2 tix of the 2045h show couriered to hubby!:D Prime seats - 2nd last row, right in the middle of the screen which were supposed to be already taken up when hubby checked online days ago. When hubby asked him how he did that. he refused to reveal. Hmm..

Anyway, we're really delighted with the pleasant surprise.

So we had dinner at Great World City right after work as the show's at GV Grand. It's a full-house, even those front row seats were all taken.

Got to watch the additional half-hour footage which is only showing in 2 of GV cinemas to make it a nearly 3-hour entertainment. We both thoroughly enjoyed the movie... it felt so good to be watching the continuation of the series and we left the cinema with a big smile of satisfaction on our face. :)

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