Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Power of LOVE

Hubby killed a lizard last night.

When we reached home, I went straight to our bathroom to get ready for a shower. Was taking off my accessories when the corner of my eyes sensed a moving shadow. I immediately turned to take a look & saw a dark, fat lizard was staring at me on my vanity counter. I freaked out & bolted from the bathroom to our MBR while screaming. In that split second, I think it sensed danger & swiftly moved to hide in the gap between the wall & my vanity cabinet.

Hubby, who was in the room, got alerted by the commotion. He then went in attempting to chase that creepy lil crawly away. But it wasn't co-operative.... it first crawled into the bath tub & went anti-direction again. I was a lil hysterical after the scare & worried that it would continue to ambush me & worse still, get too friendly with my cosmetics! I offered insecticide but hubby rejected.

When it refused to go away, hubby grabbed the plastic ladle placed at the bath tub & hit it while it tried to wriggle its way to the vanity counter again. From chasing, attacking to clearing the mess in the tub, I didn't dare step in to look.

Hubby later confessed that he's afraid of lizards (than of cockroaches)... more of its detached tail actually. But the moment he knew he needed to protect me, he got the courage to face it. This wasn't the first time... had similar encounters with bugs & cockroaches before. But a good deal of power must be summoned in order to brave the fear factor.

You are really my Hero, hubby!

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