Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Recently, one night after shower I was about to blow dry my hair while watching news, a déjà face & voice caught my attention. It's him. He's running a restaurant & was being interviewed on tv. During the time when he aggressively pursued me, he's already the owner of a very popular pub in town & Dy MD of an established firm. Perhaps due to that, I didn't mind the attention & the chance to know him better. He's not good looking but I thought he's capable & charismatic.

However, I soon discovered the horrific sides of him. His temperament was extreme... when he's happy, he could make you laugh and everything around would be bright & cheery. But when he's in a foul mood, I saw & heard the worst vulgarity from him. Though they weren't directed at me, I wouldn't want to be associated with all these verbal abuses. Especially because I'm someone who doesn't swear. But I would only be upset secretly (lest I provoked him further). An explosive temper plus an ego that'd gone way too out of proportion, and I hadn't mention he's also such a manipulative person. This combination made up one of the most disastrous boyfriends. So it wouldn't take much to imagine, the short stint & split became a nightmare.

Some memories are meant to be kept in storage, take them out to reminisce every now & then. But some are meant to be dumped in a non-recycle bin as you never want them back. And those relating to him, definitely belong to the latter.

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