Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend enjoyment

Last Fri, I've planned a last minute half day program for the afternoon - to return my ex-boss a book he lent me but as the book was in our car, I'd to meet hubby at his workplace first. Then have tea with MS after returning the book.

Think I've read too much of my diaries, so decided to doll up.. get out of the house & temporarily shed the 宅女 role.. haha.

It's a rush but I managed to catch the last shuttle out. I was daydreaming throughout the journey to the station & only before I alighted that I realised I didn't bring my wallet!! My mind was a blank & I alighted. Then decided to ask the driver if he's going back to our place, knowing that's the last trip out for the afternoon. I hoped he would be kind enough to drive me back. When he said "no".. I intentionally frowned while wanting to walk away (sly huh!:P).. then he asked the reason, then he offered to lend me some $$. Obviously he wouldn't drive me back so I borrowed $2.. enough for me to take a train to hubby. He's a lil doubtful that $2 would be enough but I was firm.

Was relieved that my problem's solved. Then at the ticket vending machine, the amount appeared on the screen was $2.60 to go to Novena! Oh no..!!!!! For a few seconds, I stood there, bursting into cold sweat.... I was silly to forget about the refundable $1 deposit! :(( The next reflex was to call hubby....

K: Honey....! I'm at Yishun MRT station.. I forgotten to bring my wallet.
V: Oh no... then how baobei?
K: The shuttle driver lent me some money...
V: Wow... that's good.
K: But hor... I only borrowed $2 from him.. & the fare to Novena is $2.60! How, honey????
V: Huh?! Okok... which is the furthest station that your $2 can bring you to? I'll go there & save you.
K (walked to the fare chart): Eh... Khatib only.
V: Huh... furthest is Khatib??

We've no idea how expensive is the train fare nowadays....

Then hubby came up with a brilliant idea - I took a cab to Novena & he'd wait for me there:) I'm so forgetful! Was so happy to see hubby waiting for me at the taxi stand... Thanks honey!:* Due to the hassles, I was behind my schedule. By the time I got the book from hubby, it's already 3.10pm & I was supposed to meet MS @3.30pm. So I went ahead to meet MS first before returning the book. As it's raining & I forgotten to bring umbrella, MS picked me up @ OUB Centre then we'd tea in Far East Square since it's near to my next destination. I was quite a trouble that day... hmm.

Then at my old office, I'd the chance to catch up with old colleagues. It's a short stay & my next destination was Ngee Ann City, to my hairstylist, Justina, before seeing hubby again. Planned to get my hair done next month so wanted to consult her first... also wished to catch up with her.

Slightly past 6, back in Novena to meet hubby & then, off we went to Great World City. Had dinner at Crystal Jade, then the movie 'Management'. Was quite a lame show...

Saturday we spent more than half a day in Orchard.. went to Ion & Central. Bought a top at Uniqlo:)

Sunday... busy packing in the afternoon.

It's a good weekend!

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