So I asked him again. The same explanation, but this time I was convinced: Apart from the agony of betrayal, he was surprised by himself that he didn't miss her.. maybe partly because she had already been away for some time. It was then did he realise that he didn't love her that much... perhaps it was out of the routine that kept them together, he reckoned.
I was still not satisfied & asked him: how could he still treat her so nice after what she had done to him?? He said he was not someone who would behave mean. I believe in him... especially now that I've known him more than 2 years. From how he treats those around him (of course I receive the best treatment of all! hee!)... everyone I know, especially my family, adores him. To be honest, though I was angry with him, I was happy too as I definitely would not want to be with someone who's revengeful & filled with hatred.
When it comes to love, I totally support the follow-our-heart 'rule', go for it as long as we think we would be happy... I can't agree more as I'd been there before too. I've a story here. It's a typical "follow your heart" story but the integrity of its female lead is highly questionable!44 She went study overseas and about half a year later got to know someone who made her feel different. Her bf who was serving NS in homeland knew nothing about it & continued to save as much as he could so as to make regular overseas calls to her. And maybe when you are kind you'd be repaid with kindness & vice versa... Someone close to the gal over there who could not tolerate her behaviour tipped the guy off about this 3rd party. Needless to say fights exploded all over. She eventually chose the new 1 as according to her, she felt so different & happy with him & he helped her grow. Then she brought her ex whom she dumped just a month ago to meet her new BEAU & their love nest! She was happy in her new found love.. but she has no brains to spare a thought for others, in particular the one who used to be her bf?? Well, just blame it on this Mr Nice Guy who still went ahead with her family to attend the gal's convocation in overseas after the split to fulfill what he previously promised. Shortly after, the gal borrowed money from her ex which was nearly his 1 month's pay in NS. This Mr Nice Guy (hereinafter known as MNG) sent her his debit card to withdraw the money after being promised the loan would be returned soon. Neither the $$ nor the card came back...! His reminders to her were ignored. Shortly after, again, she asked him to buy her some cosmetics!! OH GOODNESS....! Didn't the gal have any dignity?? Or she had too much that she thought men in the whole world would revolve around her?!?!? This time, MNG got a lil smarter & ignored the request. Ha! Soon after, MNG met his princess and endowed her with Queenly treatments. They were happy & loving until, just a couple of months into their dream-like relationship, this gal sms MNG asking for help on some technical problems to her mobile phone & thereafter called several times as he didn't reply. The couple had a huge fight because of this and MNG finally realised that he could no longer be MNG to someone who simply doesn't deserve it! His present gf was so precious to him and he could not afford to lose her because of a selfish chit who thought too highly of herself. They concluded : this female would not think of the help as some kindness to her, but instead might have thought herself as being so charming to have had her ex-bf waiting upon her at any time!
Anyway, back to my relationship.... You may think I'm being the mean gf who got jealous over his ex. Ok I admit I did get a lil jealous initially...but I was more like angry as I can't understand what has happened to some gals nowadays! And all these hard feelings somehow added a bit of strain to our relationship for some time. But now we have the common understanding... He does not hate her (he explained if there was any negative feelings, that would imply he still has not gotten over the relationship... how true it is..) nor does he want to stay in touch with her. I am too precious for him to let someone so irrelevant to upset me, even a wee bit! That's how sweet my honey is!!
I am so so glad all these are far behind us now. These include my problem no.1 too (age difference)! I am no longer mindful of how we look in front of others. Afterall we never notice the age gap... except at times when we gotta fill in our particulars..hehe :) What we had been through ever since we got together were beyond our own imagination. He is always by my side to go through everything with me...especially during the toughest phase in my life... I am really touched and I want to give the same kind of support to him too!
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