Q: Why you wrote all these about Vince’s past?
A: They have quite a lot of mutual friends and he has been keeping mum whenever any1 asked. Some might have gotten the story elsewhere and derived that the cause of it was some1 had found a better half. Nothing wrong, so long as every1’s happier now, and some might be puzzled about the indifference in him at the mention of her name & thought he’s the petty 1. He’s always being gentleman & saved himself from all the explanations. So, it’s long enough & now let his fiancee be the ‘nasty’ 1! I can’t let my honey to be at the losing end all the time! If in the future any1 were to ask about the same things again, we’ll tell them to read our blog.
I wanna stress that I’m not penalising the cause of the breakup but the acts after the breakup. In fact I wanna thank her for giving him up so that I have the chance to make this "Treasure" mine.
Q: Aren’t you afraid that you’ll get some heated response?
A: What I’ve written is nothing but the facts. If any1 begs to differ, please confront me directly and I’m not afraid at all!
Q: It happened so long ago… why don’t you just move on?
A: Yes indeed it’s a long time…. We’ve definitely moved on otherwise we’ll not be tying the knot happily. And by revealing what’re kept under the carpet for so long, now we can really put the past behind us totally & begin a brand new phase in life which we are so looking forward to! Anyway it’s so easy to say move on especially for the one who had behaved irresponsibly, or should say self-centeredly, of course MOVE ON is the best way out!
Hey, this is our wedding blog! So this gonna be the LAST time I write about any other people besides the 2 of us!
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