Friday, March 16, 2007


Our new car of 11 days :)

We 1st saw a Toyota Wish in a roadshow. But it's beyond our budget plus we don't need that kind of space, at least not now. We'd a conversation with this salesman, Alvin, & found him sincere & helpful. He's efficient in following up with us & as we got a very good resale price (for our Rio), we decided to go down to their showroom. There, we bumped into Vince's cousin. What a surprise! And apparently the both of them are close colleagues. Ha!

We both like black, white & red cars. Our 1st choice was actually white... would change to crystal lights too, if there are. Should look very nice. But we're told we gotta top up $2k (only for white) as they claimed to be using a very unique Pearly White that costs more. So nope, we dropped white. If we really want it en blanc in the future, we can always go & spray yet pay much lesser. Then red.. we both think this model doesn't look outstanding in red. Thus red is also out.
So, black it shall be... but diligence will much be needed in the upkeep. Actually same for white.

黑仔 should be with us for a long time so we hope it'll be a hardy "boy" ~fingers crossed~

Say bye-bye to our Rio.

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