We're travelling on the right most lane along Upper Thomson. For some unknown reason the middle lane was jammed up & suddenly one of the cars in that row signalled & turned at the same time to our lane. It's so last minute that hubby had to emergency brake & stop very closely behind him (thank God the car behind wasn't near us). So hubby gave him a long honk to let him know that he shouldn't have done such an abrupt lane change. Instead of apologising with a hand signal, we thought we saw him shaking his head.
Soon after that driver cut into the middle lane again. As our car stopped beside him, hubby & I turned & stared at him. Guess what we saw? He intentionally shook his head again & said something to the woman beside him while gesturing a triangle. So he thought hubby's a P-plate. Did he mean that P-plate drivers can be bullied!? Wow it's the 1st time I came across such a sickening driver (not that I have my P-plate up for long). It's obviously his fault & we couldn't believe the idiot could behave like this.
I know what I did thereafter was very childish..... I wound down the window & gave him a big
Black Getz with the alphabets "SFH"... too bad I can't remember his car plate number. But I'm sure I'll recognise him if I see him on the road again. If that happens, don't let me have the chance to catch him committing some road offences, I WILL (Christians cannot swear) not at all mind the trouble of going to the police station to report him.
crazy drivers are everywhere. it's a matter of luck whether or not you'd bump into them.
think of it this way: rather than have a langgar, and lose the use of your vehicle & other inconvenience etc... just move off.
curse and swear at the other party, but no point pursuin all the way to end. waste of breadth, esp if no damages. even if really got damages, insurance still the biggest winnin party. those fellas wanna have a shot at glory by gettin on the newspapers (in the same manner as the VIOS guy at changi area), let them be. just get fr point A to B can already.
as for your P-plate. LL just put up with the year. if really not comfortable anytime with conditions on the road, just keep to the left most lane (inner ones), and get the hang of it, before gettin back out to right. that way, you avoid incurrin the wrath of some of these crazy pple.
Thanks for your consolation :) Know what you mean... crazy people are everywhere, so no point getting ourselves upset over them, right?
Rest assured that I won't be silly enough to want to risk our lives & damaging our car in order to get back at him. It's not worth it at all. We didn't even overtake him to let him hv a taste of his own poison as by doing so, we're of no difference from him. Secondly, tis idiot, being an idiot would most likely condemn vince as a P-plate driver without looking at his own doings.
However I wont give up any chance in teaching him a lesson in the right way, besides mainly for ourselves, also hope to have 1 inconsiderate driver less on the road. If he is a good driver, no one will be that free to sabo or report him lor. But given his ridiculous attitude, I'm not surprised if he's committing all kinds of road offences.
As for the orange triangle, I've no problem with it. Instead I've asked vince whether I can still hv it there after the 1st year. Haha.
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