Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I've started to take another route. It may lead to no where.. I may be back to square one.... But hubby & I are praying for God's guidance. If we don't try, we won't know. Afterall, there isn't much to lose for trying.

It has hence kept me busy but I'm happy. I've never ever thought I would take this step though I've always been interested in all related stuff and the encounters we've had over the last 4 years have truly enriched us.

I must thank hubby for his utmost support. I'm very touched by what he has been doing for me.

The greatest blessing in my life (besides having God) is to have a husband who is proud of me at all times... not only when I'm successful, not only when I look glamorous... and the fact is I'm just a very ordinary person. He must have loved me very much to be able to do so.

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