I've concluded after some observation and personal experiences that men in their 40s always want to be Mr Know-It-All. Perhaps they think that at this stage of their lives, they've already been through EVERY thing... or at least this is how they want to be perceived as. Interestingly, the more successful (career wise) they are, the less obvious of a Mr KIA I see in them usually. And some have even prematurely attained that level in their mid 30s.
So, how to identify one?
Characteristics :
- You will never hear him say - "I don't know" / "I'm not sure" / "is it?" / "really?".
- When you say yes, he'll say no... when you say no, he'll say yes... with the intention of giving you more insights so you'll be impressed by how much he knows.
- Whenever you mention something, he definitely has some other info to add on & elaborate. Perhaps he thinks it's his responsibility to "enlighten" those around him who are all ignorant.
- His choice is always the best. To prove his point, he won't hesitate to belittle you or your choice.
A classic eg. - when we happen to be on some topics that he's familiar with, he would relate his personal experiences to let you know that he's been there done that. Well there's nothing wrong. But imagine every single thing you talk about he'll want to have a part in it & gives you a déjà vu tone? If it's something they don't seemingly know well.. they would usually pause for a second or two.. then go "aiya.. actually it's the same everywhere one lah...".
So when talking with this type of people, it's only a 1-way communication. Their main purpose is to let you know how knowledgeable & experienced they are.
We have the best example here in office whom I call The Supreme among all present & ex colleagues. I don't have patience talking to this kinda people... totally a waste of time (but if relatives, then no choice.. gotta endure & act dumb lor... what to do?). He's the first man that I don't even want to look at... let alone talk with. The biggest relief is that I don't get to meet this Mr KIA while my poor colleague has to put up with him as they are sitting next to each other. Sometimes when she can't take it, she'll run to complain to me.
I believe he knows I'm avoiding him since last week. Frankly I don't mind he knows & I hope things will remain this way.
And he's good ok.. 1 person holds 2 title.. Mr KIA & Mr Fake.
Shall end with 2 questions to ponder over:
(1) Will a person who genuinely leads a simple life by choice (according to what he always stresses4 doesn't own a vehicle by choice, lives in a simple flat by choice, seldom eats in restaurants by choice...) place heavy bets on 4D & very much involve in shares trading?
(2) Is buying 4D an addiction or an investment? And I don't mean small bets.
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