It all began with her asking us to help keep a lookout on new job opportunities. She's in mid 20s, a mum of two. She knows it's not easy to find another job with high pay which she so needs it. Her main limitations4 sec school dropout & understands very little English. Then came her ranting about work & family.
She married a Malaysian at 16 & had her 1st child at 18. Left the husband 3 months after the birth of her daughter. Later, her current husband, then suitor, pulled her out from some illegal business she got involved in & brought her back to Singapore. Also helped to obtain all legal documents for her girl to live here permanently. They now have a son of their own.
It should be a happy ending for a defiant gal but it's actually just the start of another rocky path.
The husband left his job soon after they got married. Has since been earning barely enough to feed himself as a night shift cab driver. Not helping out with housework nor taking care of the children as he wants to catch up on his sleep in the day. So she has to pay for most of the expenses besides servicing a loan she got from her family member for the purchase of their flat. She's a retail sales job and after the long working hours, the only time she has to get her housework done is late night. Every month she also has to pay quite a sum to his mum who's staying with them to solely look after the kids at home (ie. no shuttling between schools & home, no housework). What really dumfounded us was when she said the flat was bought under the names of her husband & MIL.
She's ever thought of leaving him but her own parents have declared that they don't have extra space to accomodate her & won't look after her daughter too. Also, all the legal documents concerning her daughter have been locked up by her husband.
She's not sure was it out of gratitude that she married him.
After the session, hubby & I just looked at each other, no solution apparently. If everything she said was true, whichever route she chooses, it's going to be tough.
Well... another unhappy marriage that we've heard of.
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