Monday, November 12, 2007

Our date last friday

Hubby tried his best to leave office on time & fetched me. Took a quick dinner at a coffeeshop near home before rushing back. We're going to have our K session, 8-11pm.

Well it's the first time that we - 1)booked it just for ourselves & 2)donned in home clothes for ktv (we'd showered beforehand & were ready to turn in right after). Felt great. Not only because we're able to reach home in a min after the enjoyment, but also the amount we spent. While it could easily be over $50 for such a 3-hr session on a Fri night, we paid only a fifth of it. And enjoyed thoroughly.

This KTV thingy has always been of substantial sentimental value to us. We used to sing quite a bit especially before we got together. That's what we did on our first date as well. Hubby, an NS guy then, didn't have much $$ to spend on dates & his buddy who was working part-time in 1 of the KTV joints gave him very special rates to sing there. So, he brought me there :) Subsequently, he worked hard on those songs that're my favourites so he could sing for me (& impressed me I reckon, hehe). This had become a regular kinda activity for us & an easy reason to ask me out, when I wasn't at The Bar.

We've definitely moved on to the better after these few years. But till now we still enjoy singing together. Hubby still sings for me my favourite songs & we still indulge in the sweet loving memories of those days. I guess, it's one of our ways to keep our love as "fresh" as it has first budded.

Plan to do it again soon. But before that, we've just blocked online another session next fri with Mr&Mrs LL. Looking forward to that!

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