Yes finally... I've closed this chapter of a decade yesterday. Was in a pretty emotional state the whole night.. I didn't cry during the farewell part though, which my colleague/good friend & hubby expected I would.
From being offered the job to leaving, I was given only 11 days to wrap things up & accept the fact that I'm really leaving this time round. My colleagues were surprised by the short notice as well.
Last Wed, some colleagues gave me a farewell dinner treat @ Plaza Market Café. It's a great one & they enjoyed it too.. especially the seafood. :)
An all-girls pic.
Last Fri ie. my last day at work, a close colleague & a few others wanted to have another lunch with me before my departure. Turned out that their manager, who's always treated me well, bought us lunch.
I received a few gifts too. A beautiful French crystal vase, a Chomel clutch bag & a nice cup with an extremely adorable cat (meant for my new workplace). Another colleague knows I like her delicious 糯米饭 & prepared that as my breakfast for 2 mornings (Thurs & Fri).. that's so sweet of her.
I was very touched by their nice gestures, to think that I've all along been in a stand-alone department & didn't really work with any of them.
And for 2 evenings, hubby came up to help me with my personal stuff that I supposed to bring home. I felt like I was moving house...
A farewell card for me..The last day in my cozy lil office
My intention was to go around to take some pics with my dear colleagues before I ended my last day of work. My boss (who just turned 'ex') happened to walk into my room & a colleague mentioned that to him. So he asked me whether I wanted a group pic & I thought it's a good idea. Then there he went, gathering everyone at the reception area for a picture together. He even "conducted" the whole photography session!
Another one. You know why? Because our dear old lady (next to boss) MIAed during the 1st session & after waiting for a few minutes we went ahead without her. Then when she reappeared, my (ex) boss went around & summoned everyone again for another group pic. I was quite astounded as he, who usually expects everyone of us to be at our workstation all the time, disrupted his staff from their work twice! :P
I felt a lil bad for my colleagues too as everyone's rushing to end a day's/week's work on a Fri evening.
Well at least, it's a happy & heartwarming farewell for me.
Leaving the office with my dearest hubby did help a whole lot. :)
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