This business of naturopathic treatments (Bio-Resonance Therapy Centre) was established by the uncle, Vincent, & another partner a year ago. And they're expanding fast.. to think that their first centre was opened only last July.
Now, both Constance & hubby are working for their uncle while Ben's just "graduated" from his nearly 10-month vacation job with BRT. It's served as a very good training ground as hubby & I see the changes in him... he's become more mature & responsible:)
Con runs the centre that treats pets (Passion for Pets Centre) and hubby helps Uncle Vincent in overseeing the Singapore business as the 2 bosses are spending more & more time in their overseas ventures.
Initially, hubby & I were quite doubtful about these therapies. Instead, I've started to take TCM because of my weak health. Till around April this year, hubby's elder uncle, GH, tried persuading hubby to have my FIL treated in BRT. As Uncle GH is a prideful person who always has his own views, we're surprised that he spoke well of the treatments which both he & his son had received before.
So in May, I went for health check in BRT. The problems diagnosed were the same as those identified by the few chinese physicians I've consulted before. The fact that nobody from BRT foreknew my health condition but was able to get to the same diagnosis gave us confidence to be treated there.
And more to it, I needed cancer-support treatments as degenerated cells (DC) were found in my liver, large intestines & lymphatic system. Some in stage 1 & some in stage 2 (ie. it's the very initial stage before a lump's formed & can't be detected by the usual medical checkups; only stage 3 DC would be picked up by the medical checks). I wasn't too surprised as the chinese doctor, Dr Jeremiah, who I faithfully visited of late cautioned me that my liver & large intestines were not good & that's before I went for BRT check. When asked if I would have cancer in those areas, Dr Jeremiah didn't rule out the possibility. What makes me harbour such thoughts is also the family history of cancer cases on my mum's side.. about 50% of her family members, & we're talking about having 8 sisters & 2 brothers, were diagnosed with or died of cancer (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, nose cancer, cervical cancer ...). That's really scary. So the shadow of having cancer has always been with me, especially my health's been weak.
After about 6 weeks' treatment (twice a week & it's expensive!), I was discharged! Supposed to continue with the normal treatments (for my spine, allergies ...) but I'll go back when we're more settled. That doesn't mean I'm free for life.. due to our eating habits, lifestyle & work stress in the world today, there might be a comeback or some other areas could be affected. So I'm gonna have a review a month after my last treatment, that is, early Aug.
According to hubby, Singapore Cancer Society has been referring patients to be treated in BRT. It's really meaningful to be able to help them.
Hubby's checked too. Thankfully he doesn't have much health problems except for his spine.
We thank God for leading us to the right thing at the right time. Imagine if we're not aware of my health condition & not doing anything till..... & very often, cancer is developed by then.
The consecutive happenings recently once again remind us that He is the Sovereign & Merciful God. We'll learn to put our lives in His hand, be it in sickness or in good health, & walk His path hand in hand :)
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