Not too many of us... plus a few from our class dropped out last minute (including Mel). So that night's attendance - 5 from 4C, 1 from 4A (& he's MS, remember who he is?), 3 from 4B & 2 from 4E :)
The lady in the centre used to be my idol.. haha.. as she's so pretty & was always surrounded by guys. I could only admire her from afar every day after school as she stayed near my place. And I'm surprised that she still remembers me, given that she's so popular.. :)
John tried his best to have his side profile taken so he might look slimmer. But, wrong choice! Haha!
John's succeeded! His chin's so sharp in this candid shot :P

We'd a real good laugh reminiscing those days in school. We're crazy then... Almost everyday we fought in class.. you know, the typical Boys vs Girls.. but the girls were always Mel, Sally & me only. The boys? Usually 5 to 6 of them, if not more. I was such a tomboy then :)
How fun we were? In our graduation year, the whole class put up a performance "Miss Universe Pageant" for Teachers' Day celebration & it's spectacular! We're the only class who got on stage as a whole class:) And after so many years, I still think the plot's hilarious!
It's a pity that video recorder was not common then & there's no digital camera. Below are some scanned pix (so image quality's not good) to explain the story......

I was 1 of the 5 finalists - Miss Japan. The other 4 finalists were (from left) Miss India, Miss Thailand & Miss Hawaii. Miss Chile was the last finalist announced. Look at her expression! Haha!
So finally, Miss Chile won the title. But Miss India, Miss Thailand & Miss Hawaii strongly contested the result & even got into a cat fight with Miss Chile while Miss Japan stood aside, terribly frightened.
It was when their hair & clothes were torn by one another that their real identities exposed...... they're all men!! So naturally Miss Japan, being the only girl, was crowned Miss Universe...
Miss Japan on the Miss Universe throne. Mel was the previous Miss Universe. I had an interpreter & 2 ninja as escorts. In fact, I'd enjoyed very much, the rehearsals & the actual performance... because at that time, I'd a huge crush on the ninja on my left. Hee.
Other than some roles of escorts & interpreters, the rest of the classmates were contestants from other countries.
Take a look again at our 4 beauties... I would vote for Miss India as she (err.. he) looked so pretty & demure. And the funniest gotta be Miss Hawaii! Hehee...
So finally, Miss Chile won the title. But Miss India, Miss Thailand & Miss Hawaii strongly contested the result & even got into a cat fight with Miss Chile while Miss Japan stood aside, terribly frightened.
It was when their hair & clothes were torn by one another that their real identities exposed...... they're all men!! So naturally Miss Japan, being the only girl, was crowned Miss Universe...

Take a look again at our 4 beauties... I would vote for Miss India as she (err.. he) looked so pretty & demure. And the funniest gotta be Miss Hawaii! Hehee...
It's our glorious past, haha, as our performance was such a rave then. We heard that quite a few who participated in other performances for Teachers' Day saw ours during the full dress rehearsal & by word-of-mouth, many who wanted to play truant on that day actually attended school just to watch us! :D
I miss Sec 4C. I miss our unity.
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