Friday, August 28, 2009

The Handover & The Preludes. Part IV.

A whole list of to-dos came along with our sale & purchase.

For starters, a few days were spent on liaising with movers & viewing arrangements to get quotes for moving & storage.

As we decided to give up most of the bulky furniture except our dining table + benches, sofa & side tables, we planned to sell a few pieces on ebay & donate the rest to The Salvation Army. So I was busy monitoring our sale on ebay. I must say business was good & we've got quite a lot of enquiries:) Guess it's because our items were nice & priced very reasonably.

Started to pack since early July but it's a slow progress. Most of the time I was in front of the TV... breakfast, lunch & tea time.... Nice!:P Intensive packing began about a month ago.. started early so I'd have ample time to take intermittent breaks. On average, I packed only about 3 hours a day as any longer than that, my back couldn't take it.

This time round, packing is much tougher as almost every item we came across, we've to consider if we need them during that 4months+, especially for our clothes.

We moved out on the last Sunday of August & it's a very smooth 1. Punctual, fast & professional. Thank God. We'd such bad experiences with movers that having a responsible mover was really something worth giving thanks. The worst experience was when the mover arrived more than 6 hours later than scheduled time! We (us in the new place & a few family members @ the old place) waited for them since morning till about 4pm! We called them many times & each time they said they'd be there soon! Then we got to know they're at another assignment in the morning when they'd promised us to be at ours around 9am! But what to do? You can't afford to change mover at the last minute. So they know it too & pulled the unethical stunt.


Anonymous said...

could you share which mover you used and which warehouse you rented? Cos im facing the same problem now... headache. thanks :)

KellyL said...

Hi Sandra,

We used Advance Services & Transport for both moving & storage services.

They charged the cheapest, @$250/month, for warehousing (among StorHub & S Cube).

And they're good.. During the storage period we needed our mattress & TV from the store & they delivered to us @ a mere $50; they also allowed us to add in new items when we purchased some furniture.

You may want to contact them... 9837 7227/6794 0030 - Henry or Pauline.
