Monday, June 04, 2007

If you were me

Sometimes I really wonder.. why do we need to respect someone just because he/she is older??

What would you do if your (supposedly) close one borrows from you every 2 - 3 months because he has once again overspent his $$ on horses & beer? Borrow isn't the right word as he never returns. Not forgetting those times I was asked to pay first but never could I get it back. He doesn't take care of his mum.. no visits, no calls & of course no pocket money given.. alright, maybe twice or thrice throughout his more than 25 years of working life. Perhaps he thinks that his mum is a toy that could be chucked aside.. doesn't need to eat nor money for daily needs. But he fails to realise that even his beloved pet dog needs food & water (& grooming!), not to mention a human being!? Only when he's in need of money, he would think of his mum.

It could still be fine (not that there's a choice) if not for the most recent ridiculous act. Don't try to sponge me & hubby again. I don't owe you a living. Likewise, what we're having now is because we hard earn it.
And I hate to say this: what goes around, comes around. Your daughter is watching you, for all you know.

Now tell me, how can I respect you?

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