Thursday, November 15, 2007


Kate Designing Eyebrow N by Kanebo

Bought the above on my last Bkk trip. Thought it'd be more useful than eyebrow pencil as & when I go for fuller brows. At first I disregarded the 2 much lighter tones & it's just the dark brown I wanted. Now I'm starting to appreciate these 2 shades as I can mix & match. Love my latest brow colour that matches my light brown lashes! ;)

So my verdict is:
- Choices> 4.5/5
- Colour> 4/5
- Ease of use> 4/5
- Staying power (on my oily face)> 4.5/5

However, am now concerned about the stock supply. I can't get it in Singapore... used to have difficulty to even find a Kanebo cosmetics outlet. Thus was happy to finally see their new counters when shopping last week & they do carry Kate range of make-up. But... just not this particular item I'm searching for. Visited their counters in 2 different department stores & lastly being told that it wasn't sold in Singapore. The salesgirl then recommended another similar product of 3 brow powder palette from another range, T'estimo, but its price - $46 (or $42? can't remember). Whereas I got mine @ S$18+!

So anyone's going to KL or Bkk?

Meanwhile.... 1 of my next cosmetics purchase might be an eyebrow mascara. Very tempted to try. Hmmm..


Anonymous said...

Hi, perhaps you can try to look for the item on Spree... Sometime, ppl wld organise spree of drugstores or sephora.. Maybe you can find the item you wan there.. =)

Hapy searching...

Anonymous said...

KellyL said...

Thanks Apple! ;)