Looks more like paying $230 just for a haircut.
The first time (which was last year), I went there for hair treatment during lunch hours since it's very near my office, just opp Parco. Back in the office to realise my hair was only 80% dried!
This time, I listened to my colleague that this salon was good in rebonding & decided to give it a 2nd chance.
Same girl served me... who's SUPPOSED to be the top stylist there. And such a half-*ssed job took 4 hours!
When she "presented" her final work to me, I commented that there's a bunch on the right side not properly done. Or rather, looked as if it hadn't rebonded yet. Without examining she admitted (meaning she'd known it but kept quiet!?) but insisted that my hair was already very dry so she just brush the solution lightly & it'd definitely damage my hair if I were to redo it. What craps! She thought I was a newbie in rebonding? I had even done both perming & rebonding within a week before. I certainly know what kinda results to expect. And please, this bunch of hair is somewhat the same level with my brow, ie. those were the new hair without undergoing any chemical treatment before (that's why it's a lil wavy). She could have just told me outright she's only able to offer this type of sub-standard service.
Am tempted to insist on having it re-done. But I won't know what she'll do to my hair in order to prove herself 'right'. I may be overly worrisome but not gonna put my hair at stake.
I'll NEVER go back again. Even if it's free! Asked hubby to remind me if I ever forget, which is near impossible.
Miss Justina so much. But she'll only be back from maternity leave after CNY.