Friday, December 21, 2007

Lunch celebration

Date: 20 December 2007
Host: Mr & Mrs Gerald Goh
Occasion: Their baby's full-month celebration
Venue: Imperial Court Shark's Fin Restaurant @ The Grassroot's Club

"Hello uncles & aunties! My name is Chase Goh (chase gold?)"
I'm not being rude. It's his daddy who said it :)

Look at the host. Were shocked when first saw him at the entrance as all of us had dressed nicer than him! Haha.

Would have thought he works in the restaurant's kitchen if we don't know him.
It's a present tense as he apparently dons this style at all times.
But he is rich ok (his family).

It's an extremely lengthy lunch. We arrived before 12 & only left at 3.

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