Friday, February 02, 2007

Good wine, good company

Had dinner with a new friend, C, last evening then went to MG's pub. Despite knowing her for only a month, we could click so well that we're like besties now. 3 of us shared a bottle.. but C only had a lil as she drove. Great recommendation from MG. Had 2 merry hours of chatting & chilling out. Still have a bottle there.. will enjoy it with hubby one of these days.

MG said I look better now..... or is it fatter?!


Anonymous said...

hi Vinz & Kel,

I stumbled upon your blog a couple of months ago..Have been a fan of it ever since..Reading your blog gives me a sense of hope that true love prevails and that eventually you will find someone who is right for you..I look at all of your pictures and indeed I am green with envy...I just got out of a relationship that had both of us tearing each other emotionally apart..Whats left of us now are just fresh wounds and in no time it will just become deep scars and whats more, with all the fiasco involving other people makes it even more hurtful..
I do apologise for randomly coming up your blog n rattling my problems. Reading your blog is my only respite from all that's happening in my life right now..I do wonder when I will ever be in your position happily married..I think thats something I wouldn't exchange for anything in this world..

KellyL said...

Hi Melvin, first of all thanks for visiting our blog. It's our great pleasure to have you here and we'll be more than glad to offer a listening ear (actually 2 pairs!).

I'm sorry to hear about your recent break-up. Be strong ya? I know, it's so easy to say it.. but hey, I've been there too & not only once. The most tormenting one gotta be this relationship rollercoster I had been riding on for many stormy years before I finally gave up. It, like yours, had a huge impact on the people who are closest to me too. That's a very tough hurdle I had to & finally learnt to cross. Besides the immense stress of having those around me implicated & facing a huge circle of mutual friends.. the most unbearable was the feeling of being so lost in life & in love. I thought I was someone who didn't deserve to be happy... till Vincent appeared in my life. Even with him, during the first year of our relationship, we had our fair share of hardship - parental objection (on my side), financial crisis, job finding (for Vince), etc.

What I would like to say is... keep that hope of yours alive ya? We could be lost for a while but don't lose hope. For me, every setback I went through in relationship, no doubt was painful, made me learn something new about myself & what I really want. Vince & I hope that you can emerge stronger & happier soon.

And you are most welcome to drop by & talk to us again, any time. :)

- Kelly