Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This old lady

Mum left for a 8-day trip to Korea last night. With a church friend. It's her first time going on a holiday without the family (most of her trips were with daddy)... hope she'll enjoy. She's been too reliant on the people around her. Didn't bother to take note of the flight number, which terminal & where to meet. Yet given her character, we know we'd better get her there well in advance. So we rushed home right after work to send her to airport. And this dear auntie didn't care about her luggage at all.. we're the ones who helped her with it. She even started to panic as she said the tour guide spoke too fast. So we stayed around to ensure the check-in arrangements were settled & had a few words with the tour guide too. While her friend, who's more senior than her & doesn't understand English as well, managed everything by herself (her daughter sent her there & left shortly).

Let's hope this is a good start for statistics

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