Monday, January 28, 2008

Another exhausting weekend

Saturday after a relaxed breakfast & getting the paint & tools, we started the painting task. Err... actually we still shopped around a bit & only reached home around 1pm.

What seemed like a facile job took us almost 6 hours to complete. In the midst we're interrupted by the rain.. that's the last thing you would want when painting is in progress. Thank God it wasn't that bad (we thought we could only continue the next day) as it didn't rain for too long & the area actually dried up very quickly with the strong wind & sun.

My honey @ work

At night, we rewarded ourselves with a nice & cheap set dinner at Miss Clarity Cafe, Upper Thomson branch. It's crowded. Diners still streaming in when we left past 9pm. Another good recommendation from hubby :)

Yesterday, we spent a few hours in AMK Hub & only left for home around 3pm.

Cleaned all the windows & it's definitely no easy chore! I tried to take on more of the strength consuming tasks as hubby's arms haven't recovered. I haven't been using so much strength for a long long time... ever since I knew hubby. But no choice, his arms decided to give troubles at this time of the year & the things we've to do, we still gotta do.

We cleaned the whole house after doing the windows. Then, put on the curtains which were back from dry cleaning last Thurs. Finally! It's a big relief that most of the big chores were done. We tried to do most of the stuff this week as there're some changes in next week's schedule. Basically we're left with no time to do anything other than, perhaps, the sofa.

Truly tired after 2 consecutive weeks of hard work. But feel accomplished:) Think we'll get cleaning service to do it for us next year.

Think of it... we're particularly busy this year. Perhaps this will be the first year that we've a proper CNY celebration in our own home.

By the way we like the Soup Restaurant (三盅两件) in AMK Hub. Very chinese tea-house interior, which's their usual style, & we're led to somewhat a booth. There's privacy but not completely as thin layers of burgundy organza serve as the partition between seats.

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