Tuesday, January 15, 2008


A week ago, we drafted a work schedule for the following 4 weekends. There're just so many things to do!

And last weekend, we're at both ends of the scale.

Sat morning we woke up pretty early & as planned, hubby took down all the curtains that will be collected this afternoon for dry cleaning. The chore took only half an hour, much lesser time needed than what we expected. Glad we're well in schedule. But I was happy too soon. The paint & rack (both for our planter areas) that were in Sat/Sun's list were not purchased. Mainly due to some last minute matters...

On Sat, I had an 80-min phone conversation with Constance. I just had a shower & was getting ready to go out with hubby & had to drop everything to talk with her. She's having some problems. Then hubby was stuck in a long Q at a nearby clinic (he's diagnosed by doc as having ligament inflammation). On Sun, hubby had to work on his reports which he brought home to do.

What was productive for us then? Shopping! :þ

Were shopping in Orchard Road 3 - 9.30pm and had gotten enough clothes for CNY. Hee. Bumped into the sister of hubby's ex, Michelle. Few weeks ago, it's her brother. Perhaps we're 'destined' to meet every now & then (a couple of times with each of them already). Haha. Whereas we haven't met any other friends at all nor more than once over a period.

On Sunday, after hubby finished his work, we went to Thomson Plaza to buy me another pair of shoes instead of getting the rack for our plants. I bought 3 pairs there the Sunday before & one of them is especially comfy. So before the size runs out, we went to grab another pair in different color. :)

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