Tuesday, January 22, 2008


FIL celebrated his 60th birthday on Sat & he requested to have it at the premise of his association, with all his siblings & families. We arrived early, before 6pm, as hubby & I took charge of the catering.

Both presentation & taste of the food were below average, perhaps except the deep-fried prawn with tartar sauce. We're disappointed given that it's supposed to be quite a reliable name with a chain of restaurants (Gim Tim). We purposely ordered that as FIL likes traditional chinese food & he likes Gim Tim too.

I sat by the road. Waiting for the stale air in the room (maybe the place was locked up for too long) to go off before we went back in.

Had some small chats here & there... caught up quite a bit with Constance too. Left the place past 9pm but that's not the end of the night yet. Went to Mustafa with Ben (BIL), June & Kelvin (June's hubby). Initially hubby wasn't for it but I thought it could be interesting since it's only less than a minute's walk away. After getting June's fan (to put in her office) together, we split up. June & I amused ourselves in the ladies department (mainly shoes & accessories) while hubby went to the stationery's, Ben to browse CDs & Kelvin to join the long Q at cashier & then brought it to his car. Were chatting & shopping so much that we didn't know it's already 11pm+. Gathered the guys & we went for teh chino/tarik at a nearby indian coffeeshop. Had lots of lame jokes there before one of the uncles called & kinda chided June for leaving lil Rylie behind for too long. My poor MIL must have been totally worn down as it's already past 12am by then. If no one called, we could have easily stayed there till 1am haha.

An unusual night for me but definitely an enjoyable one.

Other than this, we spent the entire weekend doing spring cleaning. At least there's some results. Cleared the 2 stores (one maid's room & one small one in the hall), wardrobes & bookshelf. Tired tired. And that's not the end of our spring cleaning.

Also went Chinatown last Fri night. I replenished some of my mineral makeup at Central before meeting hubby for dinner, then the night market. Bought a few items... the biggest item gotta be the Taiwanese mochi & pudding that nearly cost us $50. When we wanted to reduce the quantity as we wouldn't want to pay that much for some tidbits, the guy automatically dropped the price to $35 & gave us many more mochi. Wow.

A fruitful weekend.

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