Thursday, January 17, 2008

I have a husband who ...

... showers me with lots of cuddles & kisses every day
... assures me he'll hold my hand & together walk through the rocky path that I'm on
... pulls me in his arms & tells me everything will be fine when I'm in despair
... feels his world is crashing down whenever I'm upset
... involves me in every part of his life
... enthuses to participate in mine
... is proud to introduce me to everyone he knows
... frequently talks about me with his colleagues
... 100% supports me in taking on challenges
... can't bring himself to say no to all my requests
... doesn't hesitate to defend & protect me in his family
... says my joy is his joy

... takes good care of me when I am sick even if it's for the 101th time in a month
... still opens the car door for me every single time
... waits for me patiently without a word of complaint
... appreciates all big & small things I've done for him
... respects my mum
... chauffeurs my mum even when I'm not around
... plays the middle-man when I'm overwhelmed with my mum
... adores me when I'm all dressed up
... still loves me when I'm a plain jane
... thinks I am the most beautiful girl in his eyes
... says I'm his Princess & treats me like one

... finds my silly jokes hilarious
... picks me up at doorstep wherever I am & doesn't mind the trouble at all
... does all the laundry
... irons for me
... packs my handbag for me every morning
... sews for me
... wants to take on all housework so I can rest well
... pulls the chair for me
... gives me an hour's foot massage every other night
... sings to me when I can't sleep
... is also my shopping buddy
... feels as excited as me over a new shopping loot

... knows my wardrobe inside out
... never finds my girly stuff (cosmetics, accessories) a bore
... goes all out to get me what I want, no matter how insignificant the item seems

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